There's a bru ha ha happening in Seaside Heights that has nothing to do with Snookie or The Situation.
There's a arcade game on the boardwalk where players are supposed to throw baseballs at plates being held by mannequins. Break a plate win a prize. The mannequins resemble the Burger King, The Joker, Michael Jackson, Bin Laden, and Boston Red Sox player and some say President Obama.
Due to a PC outcry, the owner of the game covered the "Obama" mannequin with a bag and finally removed it, replacing it with a resemblance of George W. Bush or Hillary Clinton.
The Asbury Park Press and The Associate Press covered this big news. The Secret Service even investigated. It was bigger news that Frank Pallone missing his own Town Hall meeting.
I don't get it. That mannequin doesn't look like Obama. The most offensive thing about that video is the drinking toys the teenagers won for throwing the balls.
The mannequin is too dark to be Barack Obama. The President's smile doesn't look like that. Except for the ears and the haircut, the mannequin's face looks more like the First Lady than it does the President. It doesn't look like her much either.
It looks like Tillie in Black face.

OMG, can you imagine the outcry if the game owner promoted that mannequin as Tillie in blackface? Al Sharpton would knock Snookie and Charlie Rangel off the front pages.
It would be a bigger scandal than the Shoot the Guido game on the boardwalk. Hmmmm.
Maybe if Rudy Giuliani had been elected President, the PC leftie media would be offended by Shoot the Guido and a lack of respect for the Presidency. I doubt it but maybe.
There must be an election coming. The left and media is trying to manufacture racism and racial insensitivity. The message is if you don't support the President's agenda, you're a racist.
Some will even try to make hay out of this post. The Human Rights Commission might criticise me for writing about the darkness, or lack there of the President's and First Lady's skin color. And I mentioned black face! We were all supposed to have forgotten about black face.
Don't be manipulated. Being opposed to the President's agenda doesn't make anyone racist.
If anyone's going to talk about racist comments, the first thing they complain about better be Harry Reids comments about not knowing of a good reason for Hispanics to be Republicans. They're NOT the stupid, dependent fools (for the most part) you want them to be Harry. Most of them, Harry, are hard-working, proud Americans, who actually resent you and your cronies telling them that they have to be dependent on you and that they have to vote for you. Let them decide who to vote for, and how to deal with their own lives - YOU STAY OUT OF THEIR (AND OUR) LIVES!
Not just racist,also biased ignorant !!
Apparently the owner of the arcade siad that it was intended to be Obama. But no one complained last year when he had a Bush cariacture up there
It's always a pleasure when you stop by here with your balls.
Was KB so incredibly offended when George Bush was caricatured? In reality, KB is the racist if she can look at an image of a black person and say it looks like "litle black sambo."
It is a poor caricature of the president but I imagine George Bushes looked more like Alfred E. Neuman.
Quite frankly making any presidential likeness part of a boardwalk Carney game is just in poor taste. Even if you disagree with the Presidents policies we should show a modicum of respect for the office.
I therefore condem it not because for that reaso alone.
TR said...
It is a poor caricature of the president but I imagine George Bushes looked more like Alfred E. Neuman.
Quite frankly making any presidential likeness part of a boardwalk Carney game is just in poor taste. Even if you disagree with the Presidents policies we should show a modicum of respect for the office.
I therefore condem it not because for that reaso alone.
I disagree TR.
Such political satire and ridicule of our leaders is American as apple pie and anonymous writing.
Every president in my lifetime has been the subject of such satire, ridicule and worse...burning and hanging in effigy.
That's free speech. It is one of the things that distinguishes the United States of America from monarchies and totalitarian regimes.
Sadly, as this story demostrates, free speech is one of the freedoms we are losing or surrendering.
Just because you can say it does not mean you should.
As for free speech dieing. I do not see the government shutting down that board walk concession. It was shut down because people exercising their right to speak out against something they did not like.
The owner caved into that pressure because of economic reasons or they just didn't want the hassle.
I dont see where free speech was damaged.
Our right to free speech means free from government interference. I dont see that here. Seems to me you are overeacting almost as much as the people yelling racist.
Sorry the sky ain't falling on either account.
Whooda thunk it? The voice of reason. Here.
Thank you, "TR."
OH crap... Kathy agrees with me. I take it all back and i am going back on my meds. I promise
That's OK "TR." Lots of mental patients such as yourself have moments of lucidity despite their meds or lack thereof.
You'll be OK either way despite your fear of becoming enlightened.
Why all the coddling of this President vs. past Presidents? You are trying to make something out of nothing. It's pitiful.
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