I will have a lot more to say about fund raising next week, particularly with regard to Belmar Mayor Ken Pringle's (D) OpED piece in yesterdays APP.
But, we have Freeholder and Surrogate candidates to select this week.
First Surrogate...Peters is better known and more electable, but DeNoia is better qualified and really cares about the ins and outs of the job. Either of our candidates beats the Dem, so I say give the nod to DeNoia, unless Marie decides to run.
Freeholder...Only DiBella, Kleinberg and Wall are serious candidates at this point. DiBella holds his February support and Kleinberg and Wall split the votes that Anna Little got in February. Unless either Kleinberg or Wall drop out and support the other, DiBella is the candidate.
This will be an interesting week.
Montana Cowboys, Adam Smith, and Trump
13 hours ago
Klienberg's stump speech has not gone over well and unfortunatly he has not gained any traction. he needs more substance and less stand up comedy.
Wall has little support outside the Bayshore. He will not even carry Holmdel.
Rumor has it that Two Rivers split it's endorsement between Lucas and Dibella and that the new South Monmouth group could not decide between Rielly and Dibella.
My guess Dibella wins but not on the first round.
Is he the best Candidate? The magic eight ball says "answer not clear".
And as someone once said, if it's DiBella there will be a freeholder from Howell named Barbara.
Normally I would say to pair Anna Little up with an "establishment" candidate. This way there is less temptation to throw her under the bus this fall. We don't want anyone cutting deals with the Democrats this fall to "throw the game." However, DiBella comes with enough baggage that the Dems and the APP would have a field day. Playing defense right from the beginning! Between his Sayreville, uhhhh, situation; the recall, the police e-mail incident, the hotel, Lefkowitz and two, count 'em, two PACs in Howell. That's a lot to defend.
I've heard good stuff about Lucas, but I will need to know more about him. He did send out a letter and a resume to committee members, which is an excellent start.
I've heard good about Kleinberg too, but so far as of yet he has not reached out to the committee members.
Joe has a lot of pluss's and negatives. For instance:
He is from Howell the large town.
Negative he is from Howell the land of kamikaze Republicans
Positive. he works for Commerce Bank and Norcross leaves us alone.
Negative he works for Commerce bank which is connected to Norcross.
Positive- He can Raise money
Negative- depends on how he raises it.
Is he a reformer or not?
Does the press like him or not?
He does give the best Speech and talks a good game and has a good resume.
However, the Magic 8 ball stands by its original answer.
Hey Abe there is some stuff in that last post that is new to me.
Fill us in.
What Sayerville situation?
Who is Lefkowitz?
Isn't the Hotel a local disagreement on policy?
You do not honestly believe that people in the party would throw the election to the Dems just to keep out Anna. Are Black Helicopters circling your house?
Was their a second shooter on the grassy knoll?
Honest Abe said...
"I've heard good about Kleinberg too, but so far as of yet he has not reached out to the committee members."
I received an invitation to a Kleinberg meet and great and the Holiday Inn in Tinton Falls. Its tonight. Committee and non-Committee invited according to the invitation.
Don't forget Congress. Middlesex endorsed Leigh-Ann Bellew. According to Wally Edge.
Good morning George. We've been expecting you.
Ok, I people in this thread and others have referred to a Sayerville scandal that Dibella was implicated in.
What is that all about?
See this thread from Abe's place:
No. 16's inclination is right regarding the pairing of DiBella with Anna Little. Once the committee members get past selecting their personal favorites, the critical decision will be who will make up the best "ticket" come November. DiBella is clearly the strongest remaining candidate (notwithstanding the machinations which got him here) and he best compliments Little's touchy-feely demeanor.
As to DiBella's "baggage", the issues mentioned are not scandal worthy and there is not enough fodder for even the APP to carry it through the election cycle. November is a long way off and the electorate has a short memory.
"Run, Joe, Run"
Trivia: who was the last Monmouth Republican to lose a race for surrogate?
Fred Niemann
Real Republican said:
"Trivia: who was the last Monmouth Republican to lose a race for surrogate? "
Fred Neimann:
2 Rivers shill? Come on, if I was a 2 Rivers shill I would be telling you that DiBella was on the verge of dropping out of the race this weekend and then reconsidered when 2 Rivers was split. I'd be telling you that Kleinberg has little support outside of Marlboro and that he won't even sweep the committee votes in Marlboro. I'd be telling you that Lucas and Reilly are a lot more competive than I've previously said. I'd be telling you that Wall can't get any traction outside the Bayshore. I'd be telling you that this selection will go at least 2, if not 3 ballots.
I said Peters is more electable. At least after DeNoia spoke I knew that the Surrogate's office had nothing to do with infertility or erectile dysfunction.
If I had my way the ticket would be Little and Peters for Freeholder and DeNoia for Surrogate.
Thanks for the link Mr. Seward. I went back and read all the posts and quite frankly the whole Sayreville thing seems very minor. Almost pointless to discuss it.
It begs the question why is this guy so controversial
Such idealists. Unfortunately, the practical threshold issue isn't what's best for the county, but whom the largely unsophisticated and uninformed voters in November will like the most (and has the best chance of beating the democrats).
TeK said...
"Such idealists. Unfortunately, the practical threshold issue isn't what's best for the county, but whom the largely unsophisticated and uninformed voters in November will like the most (and has the best chance of beating the democrats)."
I wouldn't consider the voters unsophisticated or uninformed, especially in a non-Presidential year, and DiBella is not necessarily the most electable this year. The APP is dogging him, and it will get worse. And his opponent is from the same large town as he is and she almost won countywide last year.
PS to TeK...your partner needs a new picture on your website.
As to the electorate, I am a bit of cynic, especially when it comes to the state of our democracy. When I hear our state described nationally as one of the bluest of the blue states, it gives me great concern about the folks who go to the polls in November.
As to your concerns about DiBella and the media, if he does get the nod I suspect his vulnerability will be somewhere between our predications.
ps - I've been trying to get him to update that photo for some time (or he could simply grow the mustache back!).
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