The Two River Times has an excellent article on our Chairman's race.
The candidates are:
Jim Giannell of Red Bank. Jim is the Red Bank Municipal Chair, a member of the Monmouth County Transportation Council and the Chairman of the Two Rivers Group, an alliance of Municipal Chairs in the Two Rivers area. Jim is an unabashed grass roots whip and is largely responsible for the success of Lillian Burry, Anna Little and Andrew Lucas in securing the party nominations for freeholder.
Ed Stominski and Mel Hood, running together as Chair and Vice Chair. Ed is well known as a former Freeholder and Mayor of Eatontown. Mel is a the Neptune Municipal Chair and is a member of the Neptune planning Board. This team is said to have by-laws ready for the committees approval.
Elias Abinernia a Millstone committee member, former mayor and deputy mayor, and lawyer.
Adam Puharic who has found his enthusiasm for his candidacy. Adam is a former Aberdeen municipal chair and former Under Sheriff.
If word coming out of last nights screening by the current party leadership is accurate, it would appear that Adam is Fred's candidate.
Adam advocated candidate selection by executive committee without the races, grass root participation and elections we've had for the last four non-incumbent Freeholder candidates. Given that 3 of those 4 nominations were "upsets" with the "organization's" candidate losing, it is unlikely that the rank and file will want to go back to the way candidate selection happened under Bill Dowd.
Vice Chair Noreen Kelly reportedly declared that the competitive conventions we have had "don't work." Well, they didn't work for Noreen and Joe DiBella, but they worked for the rank and file. They encourage participation and avoid costly primaries. They are the best thing Fred's reign as Chairman has given the party.
Additionally, the return address on Adam's mailing is 16 West Main Street, Freehold, NJ. Once again, the party apparatus and resources are favoring one candidate over others. This has back fired 3 times now. As the song says, "When will they every learn, when will they eeeveeer learn.
To his credit, Adam praised all the other candidates and said he wants them to be part of his team. Would Adam serve on Jim or Ed's Team? Adam does have excellent fund raising skills. He has a bright future, so long as he chooses his friends carefully.
DOGE Can Balance Budget and Save Health Care
16 hours ago
I have also heard complaints from committee members that they had recently received e-mail from Adam. They wondered how and where he got their e-mail addresses. Kind of a DiBella redux is what it sounds like here.
"Adam praised all the other candidates and said he wants them to be part of his team."
But inquiring minds want to know: Does Adam want shadowy executive director Dan Gallic on his team?
Does Adam want to be on George Gilmore's team?
But inquiring minds want to know: Does Adam want shadowy executive director Dan Gallic on his team?
Dan's not shadowy. He just thinks the ends justify the means since God's on his side, or he's on God's side. He hears voices, Fred's voice mostly.
It actually looks more like Fred is the one hearing Dan's voice.
He hears voices, Fred's voice mostly.
....and sometimes Ed Stanton's
I was recently told that the election was a "done deal" and that Carton has thrownn M'town's support to Puharic.
Matthew McGrath said...
I was recently told that the election was a "done deal" and that Carton has thrownn M'town's support to Puharic
If that is the case, and if Peter and Noreen can keep their troops in line, then it way well be a done deal, unless Giannell and Stominski/Hall come together and garner the support of the Bayshore(sans Middltown) 2 rivers and Wall.
The problem with that is it leaves us where we have been for the last year or so, divided.
If Adam gives up the executive candidate selection idea, embraces open competive conventions, and embraces by laws, he could bring all the factions together, unite the party and win by acclamation on Tuesday night.
He's got the weekend to pull it off, let's see how good a leader he is.
Why the Party Needs Puharic
"I'm not a 'Western Monmouth' guy, or a 'Two Rivers' guy, or a 'Southern Shore' guy. I want to represent the Monmouth County wing of the Monmouth County Republican Party." -Adam Puharic, Candidate for Monmouth County, NJ Republican Chairman, from
Leadership is vital to the success of any organization, business, political party, government entity, etc. Without leadership an organization tends to fracture or even dissolve. In Monmouth County NJ, the Republican party will decide on Tuesday, June 13, who their new leader will be.
There are some critical skills that stand above the rest when selecting a new chairman. These three skills are: (1) ability to unite the party, (2) fundraising ability, and (3) ability to put party before self.
First, the new Monmouth County Republican Chairman should be a person who not only wants to unite the Party, but is capable of uniting the party. The Party is currently fractured and needs effective leadership to facilitate unity through effective leadership and communication.
Second, the new chairman must be a proven fundraiser who can raise money effectively and ethically. Raising 10 million dollars means nothing if the money was acquired illegally. This last year hasn't exactly been a banner year for Republicans and ethics. Republicanism and sound ethical judgment should always coincide. Otherwise, the party will have disgraced itself, the Founding Fathers and the American people.
Third, and probably the rarest characteristic in any politically ambitious person, is the necessity of a chairman to put the Party before self. An effective chairman deflects positive press to candidates and to the Party, and is willing to take responsibility for the decisions of the Party in the public spotlight. A chairmen should live by Reagan's 11th commandment to "never slander a fellow Republican in public." Only a chairman willing to put the Party's interest above his/her own can truly wield leadership of the Party.
The aforementioned abilities are critical to picking the next chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Party. The party must put faith in their new chairman, but more importantly, the new chairman should be a person of strong faith. A smart man once said that "Faith is the only known antidote for failure." It would be comforting to have a chairman that represented, "the Monmouth County Wing of the Monmouth County Republican Party," instead of a portion of it.
Adam Puharic has throughout his career demonstrated all three abilities mentioned in the analysis above. He has brought differing minds together at the table. He is a man of strong faith and the highest ethical standards. He has raised over $750,000 with non-profits. Adam Puharic has demonstrated the ability to put the team before himself.
May the Republican County Committee pick the best Republican to lead them into the next election and the future.
Welcome Brett.
Great blog you have. Purcell may want to ad you to his best of list. I've added you to mine.
Adam has a point of view. He plays on a team. He's a good person. But his point of view isn't populist. Carton, Kyrillos, Alfieri and Co. will play a big role in making the decisions for the GOP and, consequently, the county. If that is what people want then i think it's harkening back to Dowd and the days when candidates were picked in Judy Stanley's living room by eight people or so.
Jim Giannell is the guy who wants to give ownership of this process to the county committee. Why in god's name would anyone argue for the county committee, traditionally considered "the faithful," not to have their hands on the controls of the future of the gop? Jim wants reform and to finish the business of the reformers who installed Niemann and were so promptly sold down the river by an ambitious asst. county counsel who thought far too much of himself and enjoyed last Super Bowl in grand style in a dubious manner.
Ed: His being a spoiler is not the best way to go down in the books. It's bitter and leads to decisions by default and not mandate. He had a good career, sabotaged by fellow Republicans who threw him under the bus for personal profit. What happened was a terrible shame. Being a spoiler in a contest that cannot be won is also a terrible shame. There was a time to campaign and it was not done. So now there is an election and the odds are long and it is a contest really between Giannell and Puharic. Anyway it goes he comes in third. Sentimentality aside, it is the fact.
Jim get a grip. All the criticisms of Stominski were correct.
He did nothing of any substance. All he did was suckle at the public teat.
Yes he should have been eating at the sphagetti barn, And he should have kept his nice job at PSE&G instead of deciding to go on the public payroll.The only thing alleged that was not true was misuse of his campaign funds.
he did everything he could to prevent any meaningful political reform.
He has earned a rightful place on the list of Republicans who we could live without.
Methinks the only reason you like him is because he hates Amy Handlin.
I do agree Giannell is probably the best choice. Plus It is probably a twofer you will get him and that whole Two Rivers group.
Lord knows how anyone is going to unite this party. I must confess I feel more like a divider upper then a uniterer. I lost count of how many people I think we should send away. Guess it's a good thing I ain't running;)
It's great 2b in the GOP said...
Question.. Where is the information from as to the time and place of meeting on the 13th?
The election for chairman will be June 13th at 7:30 P.M. at Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, New Jersey in the Navesink Room located inside the Warner Student Life Building, 2nd Floor.
inside job said...
The rest of the Two Rivers Group would be amazed to find out that Giannell is their Chairman.
Another amazing thing about Jim Giannell :-)
Thanks for clearing that up, ij
As a newly elected committeman and a candidate for municipal office, I'd like to add my two cents to the debate. I realize that I am the new kid on the block, but my limited experience might be useful to some. After all, we are looking to bring new people into the party. Right?
I met Adam through our mutual involvement in the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce. There is no question that he is a fine man. However, doing away with the open candidate selection process really bothers me. I worked on Anna Little's team in February, criss-crossing the county to various events and club meetings. It was fun! Hard work, but rewarding as we all got to meet many committed Republicans all over the county. I built lasting relationships with people I had just met, working together towards a mutual goal. The access to office holders and "opposing teams" remains very worthwhile.
Whoever wins on Tuesday, I would hate to see open process go. These factions or "cliques" that we have in the party are not easy to get into. The open process encourages participation and welcomes committed players.
Adam's teaming with Fred Neimann, if that is the case, really surprises me. While Fred has always been cordial to me, his tactics and forcing Anna and Andrew Lucas to go and get their own petitions signed after the convention, really put me off. That is not consistent with my limited experience of Adam.
Having worked with Jim Giannell on Anna's campaign, I think very highly of him. If his skills on the party level convert to the general election, and I think they will, we will have many victories. My only concern about Jim is fundraising. I'd like to hear more specifics from Jim on his fundraising plans. I wish he and Adam would work together, and I hope that they do regardless on the outcome of Tuesday.
I like Ed Stominski, but I don't think he can win and the Asbury Park Press would have a field day with us if he did. Sad but true.
I just looked at Brett Palat's ( blog and he is dead right about Adam Puharic.
I got Adams email the other day as well and I am happy he has sent something out.
At first as a new CC member I was not sure who I was supporting for chair, until I saw what Abe said about Adam.
Practically calling him Dibella. That’s weak.
Donny D. said
"just looked at Brett Palat's () blog and he is dead right about Adam Puharic."
All he said about Adam I agree with.
However I can not support someone who wants to do away with the county committee picking candidates. Do we really want to go back to letting a few power brokers make that decision or do we want to maintain a democratic process.
People complain about what Giannell did to Dibellaa and what a great candidate Dibella would have been. Well if that were true he would have convinced a majority of people that he was the best choice. The committee picked its candidates by secret ballot. Sure they were lobbied by municipal chairman who had an opinion but nobody held a freakin gun to their heads. Instead of accepting the democratic process they are saying. If Giannell wins I give up on the party. I take my little ball and go home. Therefore Giannell can not unite the party. (Nice Logic!)
Instead lets elect someone who will give power back to us and we can put in the candidates we like, owe,control,(pick a word). That will make us happy and we can all be united.
I truly like and respect Adam but he is headed down the wrong road this time.
It's great 2b in the GOP said...
I called Headquarters today for information/confirmation and got many rings than a machine that said "memory full" so no one answering and no ability to leave message.
Is that the same as "mind shut"
Excellent points, TR.
It is imperative that we maintain the convention system. It is one of the good things to come out of Fred Niemann's stewardship. The County Committee is the grass roots of the party. Period. When the grass roots are energized, it strengthens the party and helps ensure victory in November. We're talking volunteers here. Elections are not won by slick mailings alone, but by people talking up our candidates neighbor-to-neighbor!
Let's look at the most recent two conventions. You saw the selection of two candidates (Anna Little & Andrew Lucas) for two freeholder slots, neither of whom was the choice of the party leadership. Both were chosen by relatively close margins, leading some to speak of a divided party.
But just how divided are we?
The lead-up to both conventions saw very spirited debate over the choice of candidates; this debate did in fact turn nasty more than once among some people. But where does this leave us for November? Are all those who supported Joe DiBella going to "sit this one out", or worse yet, support the ELEC report-challenged Lenny Inzerillo and Co.? Of course not!
With the exception of a few, most will support and work for the GOP slate this fall.
Where does this leave us in the chairman's race?
I believe it is important to have a chairman who will continue maximum participation in the process, and not slide back to the days of Bill Dowd, where candidates were chosen by a chosen few in a house with a view.
Guess again
From the Arlington Cemetery Website:
In the early morning hours of May 22, 1949, the recently ousted first American Secretary of Defense, James Vincent Forrestal, committed suicide at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. His death came as a shock to official Washington, where he had been a commanding figure, yet to those who knew him well, there was a certain grim logic to this tragic end.
I wonder if he heard voices.
At yesterdays meet and greet I told Jim Giannell that I thought concerns about fundraising were is his only weakness, and that if he announced his plans he would be a slam dunk to win the chairmanship. I asked him, "Where is the money going to come from?"
He said, "The money is going to come from where its always come from. What's the problem?" "We will raise our money openly, honestly and legally. We will follow the letter and the spirit of the fundraising laws. In addition to traditional sources, we will expand grass roots fundraising efforts to empower people to participate and invest in the process."
I'm satisfied. With the prospect of open candidate selections and well funded campaigns, my first act on the county committee will be to cast my vote for Jim Giannell as chairman
James V. Forrestal, III said...
I'll bet this comment never gets posted, but is it me or is it not obvious that Seward is Gerry Popkin?
I have nothing against Geri and she is a hard worker but she is not clever enough by half to be Mr. Seward and she is much to "passionate " about her views to write as calmly as he does.
Teddy Roosevelt said:
"I have nothing against Geri and she is a hard worker but she is not clever enough by half to be Mr. Seward and she is much to "passionate " about her views to write as calmly as he does. "
Gerri's much better looking than Seward. Trust me, I've seen him airbathing.
I no more believe Adam is a puppet for Niemann then Giannell is a puppet for Popkin .
Give these men some credit.
I would like to clarify some misstatements made about Adam Puharic's position on the election process for County Chairman. Adam cannot and is not seeking to change the election process. His idea is simply to create a screening committee to ensure that potential candidates are serious about running for the position.
I agree with Honest Injin
Kramer Hall said...
Gerri's much better looking than Seward. Trust me, I've seen him airbathing.
No amount of therapy will help that.
And why does Adam need someone else to clarify his emails? Did he say something someone did not want said.Monmouth County needs Jim Giannell if the GOp is to have a viable future..
It has been an honor for me to join in this stately discussion with fellow Republicans of Monmouth County. I hope we can all work together for the common good of Republicans in the future. Yet, I am confident that Adam Puharic has the support to wrap up the vote tomorrow.
I need to make one more point. MCGOP really needs someone who can win races. Jim Giannell has done that in Red Bank, a town with an overwhelming Democratic voter registration, and in Monmouth County.
I was amazed to find out that almost half of Aberdeen's GOP County Committee seats are not filled. Why would someone who wants to be county chair not fill the county committee seats in his own town? Perhaps this is the reason that Adam is promoting the notion that only municipal chairs should vote. Does anyone know how many Republicans have won in Aberdeen in the last few years?
I just received a phone call from Freeholder Narozonick endorsing Jim Giannell for MCGOP County Chair. Lillian Burry and Anna Little have also endorsed Jim Giannell!
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