From the
Star LedgerU.S. District Judge William Martini called the evidence in the trial "overwhelming" and said he was bothered by the defendant’s lack of recognition of any wrongdoing. "I never got a sense during the course of this trial that the he had any understanding of just how offensive his conduct was," Martini said.
"Somewhere in his career – and I get a sense it was a long time ago – he lost sense of what it was to hold public trust."
Raymond O'Grady has been found guilty by a jury of his peers and that's it. I feel terrible for his family. It's certainly a bad time for them. Office holders have special responsibilities and Mr. O'Grady apparently violated them and is going to pay a price. It's the law and it's our system of justice and it's what everyone signs onto when they are citizens in this country.
I feel for Ray's family too.
At the Affiliate Dinner in February you could cut the tension in the room with a knife when Ray, Jr was introduced as an officer of the club. The reputation of a father cuts both ways..good for Tom Kean, bad for Ray O'Grady.
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