Turns out that it costs a lot less than $2000.00 to do a background check. With up to 25 potential legislative and county candidates, someone will make a nice piece of change on the screening process.
Well, since we saved $500 by skipping the birthday party, the crack staff at more monmouth musings is going to purchase background checks on all members of the screening committee and the party executive committee.
We've already started. You can find all kinds of interesting info...family trees, how much they paid for their home, judgements, convictions, past and present employment, past and present addresses, and lots more.
Stay tuned, the juicy stuff will be published between now and February 17th. Its only fair that since the rank and file can't choose their candidates, that we know all we can about those who are doing the selecting. As a Monmouth County publisher is fond of saying, we're here to help.
If anyone objects and wants to give me a piece of their mind or more, or if anyone thinks this is a great idea and wants to pat me on the back, I'll be at the Shore Casino tonight for Anna Little's fundraiser.
I've heard from four members of the screening committee who have asked me to hold off on perfoming background checks. Two said they have objected to the candidates background checks and the $2000 fee. All said they were not informed of this practice prior to agreeing to be on the screening committee. One suggested that I give all screening committee members 5 days or a week to let me know by email if they individually favor the practice, before I dig into their background.
That seems fair. My email address is available in my profile. Screening committee members are welcome to email me. Please specify if you want your comments on the record or off the record.
Screening committee members are also encouraged to announce their resignations on this blog.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
22 hours ago
Be careful getting background checks without the consent of the individual its against the law.
Great idea, Will. Let it go where the road takes you.
Turns out that it costs a lot less than $2000.00 to do a background check.
Yes. A whole lot less. I wonder if they're using Retrieval Research, Inc. According to Elephants_not_Donkeys, it's an opposition research outfit. The Howell Committee for Good Government paid them $5200 back on February 8th 2006. I wonder who they were researching back then? Hint: There was a convention that month.
Missing something here.
Allright I get what is going on in this specific case-looking for disqualifying dirt on a particular person- but it is standard operating procedure to do opposition research on your own candidate.
It is actually a smart thing to do.
I have returned! Hugs to all, except Jumbo.
Welcome back EnD. The fun is just getting started
for law gal:
it's against the law to run a charles jones? that doesnt sound right.
I can not wait to see the results of all those background checks. That will be aBully good time.
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