Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Senator Robert Honecker, R-12 ?

Benjamin Franklin, a longtime writer himself, called his anonymous brethren “a bunch of misguided souls who don’t understand that the whole point of writing is self-promotion.”

If Franklin is correct, might Former Assistant Prosecutor Robert Honecker, who penned a feel good OpEd piece in today's APP be a candidate for elective office?

Why not? Honecker leaves the Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office after 25 years of service with an outstanding reputation and high name recognition. He is extremely well liked and respected.

He would be a formidable opponent to Senator Ellen Karcher and it is unlikely that he would seek to criminalize french fries.

I doubt the Republican Party could do better at the top of the ticket in the 12th.

I expect that he would be an outstanding State Senator.

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