Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

To commemorate the one year anniversary of Adam Puharic's election as Monmouth GOP Chairman, I am re posting his campaign letter posted on this blog on May 27, 2006.

Please feel free to list Adam greatest accomplishments during his first year in the comments.

Dear WHS:

Thanks for your kind comments about Dana, me and the work of Michael’s Feat.

I have not decided whether to enter the race as a candidate for Chairman. I am humbled and flattered that some in our party would consider me worthy to hold this important position. I do not share their enthusiasm for my candidacy, but I do share a commitment to unify, professionalize, and to aggressively and legally raise funds so we are victorious this November and beyond.

If it helps your readers, who might not know me, a bit of my background is below:

In 1997, I did three things right. I married Dana, the love of my life, and the source of everything good that has happened to me. The second right move was to search for a home, and to choose Monmouth County as the place to raise my family. The third right move was to show up at County Republican headquarters and begin stuffing envelopes for our party.

I’ve had the honor to serve as Aberdeen Municipal Chairman, and in that time oversaw the unification of a divided, demoralized, and under-funded organization. I made many hard decisions, and numerous mistakes. One of those mistakes cost me an important friendship. I chose to use my power as Chairman to punish dissent, instead of healing, bringing people together, and fostering debate without resentment. I learned a powerful lesson – one that I hope the future Chairman will use to success: Power is finite. Once you use it, you immediately begin to lose it. But influence is forever. If you harness your influence, you can see the right ideas come to light, whether they are yours or not.

I had the honor of serving as Monmouth County Undersheriff from 2000 to 2004. During that time, I learned how to foster a fair – but uncompromising – relationship with the Press. At the Sheriff’s Office, we welcomed their questions, but they would not set the agenda for our policy.

I also learned under the brilliant campaigning of our great Sheriff Joe Oxley. His strategy transformed a candidate who won by the skin of absentee ballots into a 15,000 vote plurality.

I also formed and funded Michael’s Feat. We’ve raised close to $500,000. I am a leading member of the Monmouth Council Boy Scouts “Way Forward” plan to recoup $1 million in capital debts. We are turning the corner, and I am proud of the way we are communicating with and uniting our Scouting families.

I think very highly of the people who are already candidates for Monmouth County Chair. Ed, Mel, Elias, and Jim are great Republicans. My hope for this coming chairman election is that their supporters will stay positive, and will not break Reagan’s 11th commandment to “never slander a fellow Republican in public

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