* The Tobia appointment is likely to get a lot more controversial.
* About the only thing Monmouth Republicans are united about is that Adam Puharic's chairmanship is a train wreck. There is already a primary in the works for next year's Freeholder nominations. At this time Barham and Burry are at odds and each is looking for a new running mate. A third ticket that opposes both Freeholders in likely to emerge.
During the height of Operation Bid Rid, Star Ledger columnist Tom Moran called Monmouth County "Hudson County with lawns".
Bergen County with beaches is more like it if things keep going the way they are going.
Of course, the dismise of the Monmouth GOP will be the blogs' fault, Anna Little and her army's fault.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
6 hours ago
"Of course, the dismise of the Monmouth GOP will be the blogs fault, Anna Little and her army's fault."
And there's something very Nixon-like in our leadership's blaming of Anna and the blogs.
Debate and change are consistent with a healthy and vibrant party. But whatever difference of personality, style and even issues that may exist, it is trivial compared to the idea of having the democrat bosses taking over the county. Sometimes the rhetorical nature of the blogs may confuse readers into thinking that the d's would be a welcome alternative. We have quality candidates this year. They may not be everybody's first choice, but they represent a strong team. A team which must be unified through November. After November we can all tinker to reshape the party in a healthy way for the future, but these interparty issues must wait until after November. Despite all the problems there is a strong and positive record to run on and this must be put forth.
And there's something very Nixon-like in our leadership's blaming of Anna and the blogs.
I hear there is an ever growing enemies list.
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