In the unlikely event that Bill Barham resigns by Monday, who would the candidates be for his seat?
On the Republican side, there are several possibilities.
Anna Little would be a natural. She's an incumbent, very popular, and she's been incredibly effective in the face of tremendous obstacles. The problem with her candidacy is that she is running for Mayor of Highlands. If she were elected to both offices she could serve in both under the Karcher/Panter/Corzine reforms that grandfather dual office holders as of February 1, 2008. But that would fly in the face of the reforms she has championed.
Andrew Lucas? He came close last year, losing to Barbara McMarrow. He is running for re-election to the Township Committee in Manalapan. Lucas ran last year on a record of reducing taxes in Manalapan, but this year had to raise taxes 28%.
The Mayor of Howell. You all know who that is, but I won't print his name. Whenever I do he calls me, talks dirty and says he will take my house away. As I sit here early in the morning watching first light emerge over the Atlantic to my right and the New York skyline to my left, I don't even want to chance it. Howell had big tax increases this year too, but the Mayor voted against them. He has long been a favorite of the party establishment. Look for him to be a candidate if Barham resigns after the election.
How about Terence Wall? He's available and has lots of experience.
Brian Reilly is a mover, if not a shaker.
Robert Kleinberg is running for re-election as Mayor of Marlboro. We already have a candidate from Marlboro.
Tom DeSeno would be a favorite of mine, even though we disagree about term limits and that he was caught up in the Miss New Jersey scandal.
Scandals, the Bubblegum Pink Resistance, and Lawfare
22 hours ago
What big tax increase did we have here in Howell? We had a re-Val that raised property taxes and with the exception of contractual increase, all we added to the budget was 2 new police officers and 4 part timers to cut the grass at our new sports complex (178 acres) and the new detention basins that came on line after Joe laid off people three years ago.
Sure Joe voted against the budget, he usually does, then tells the police chief that he works hard to make sure the PD get what ever they need as far as manpower and equipment.
Thanks for that clarification.
What the mayor of Howell talks dirty 2 U? I talk dirty too. U should hear me. Plus, I would be better for the job than Reilly. I move and I shake. I should run for freeholder!
the inside airbather said...
What the mayor of Howell talks dirty 2 U? I talk dirty too. U should hear me. Plus, I would be better for the job than Reilly. I move and I shake. I should run for freeholder!
Hi Lisa,
You want to be a Freeholder?! How do you feel about rotating the director?
U mean like on a chair? That's so fun! I could rotate the director and spin him around and around and around! Rotate rotate rotate. So cool!
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