"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" ~ American Proverb
Kate Mellina's OpEd piece, "Ethics is as ethics does", which I critiqued yesterday, is creating a backlash for Mellina, and support for Clifton and Cantor.
Blogger "Teddy Roosevelt" calls Mellina a "Sore Winner."
Blogger Barry Goldwater in a brilliantly titled post, likens Mellina to MoveOn.org, and wishes she would.
The harshest response comes for an anonymous Asbury Park activist who cites the "Queen of Ethics" as a hypocritical joke who was supportive of Operation Bid Rig felon Terrance Weldon after Weldon pled guilty to his crimes. As an Asbury Park councilwoman, Mellina engineered a $67,609.00 payment for back pay to Weldon, dispite the fact that the council's labor attorney said that such a payment was at the council's discretion. Mellina asked the labor attorney to change his opinion to state that the payment was mandatory. He refused. This according to Asbury Radio's The Weldon Timeline.
Asbury Radio's Weldon Timeline also states that Mellina revealed during a radio interview that she wrote to the federal judge hearing Weldon's case pleading for mercy for her friend.
Why does Mellina attack Clifton and Cantor who embraced and forwarded her reform agenda? Mellina says they are late to the party. Evidently she was too. I don't recall any Republicans voting to give any back pay to any of the county employees who were snagged in Bid Rig.
If Mellina is authentically committed to her reform agenda, she should welcome support from any political party, and refrain from partisan attacks on fellow reformers. Otherwise she is simply a partisan hack.
Kate Mellina owes Rob Clifton and Jeff Cantor an apology.
Make Alberta America
21 hours ago
"I don't recall any Republicans voting to give any back pay to any of the county employees who were snagged in Bid Rig."
But back in the 80's a Democratic board voted to buy back County Administrator Robert Collins' lost pension time. John D'Amico was part of that; the 2 Republicans, Harry Larrison & Tom Powers voted NO.
Hey Art- You are ingratiating yourself with the big Puharic...way to go...
Barry Goldwater said...
Hey Art- You are ingratiating yourself with the big Puharic...way to go...
Actually, Puharic should have responded to Mellina's piece.
"Actually, Puharic should have responded to Mellina's piece."
Now that is a great point.
I find it interesting that the Chair wants to draw attention to any blogs, as they are usually not supportive of him. However, they generally are supportive of the candidates. The optimist in me wants to think of him as falling on his sword to get positve spin for the candidates. The pessimist doesn't know what to think.
It will be interesting to see how your traffic is affected by this advertisement from the Chair. By trickle down theory, Teddy's and mine should get a boost, also.
We'll see.
Adam said something nice about me? Where, I missed it.
You didn't get the email?
I could forward it, but it would reveal my identity.
Pasted below:
Stupid is as Stupid Does
My Fellow Republicans,
I never thought I would see this day ... A pro Republican post from a blog site. Enjoy.
Adam Puharic,
Attributed to More Monmouth Musings:
Monday, September 17, 2007
"Stupid is as stupid does" ~ Forrest Gump
"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" ~ American Proverb
Kate Mellina's OpEd piece, "Ethics is as ethics does", which I critiqued yesterday, is creating a backlash for Mellina, and support for Clifton and Cantor.
Blogger "Teddy Roosevelt" calls Mellina a "Sore Winner."
Blogger Barry Goldwater in a brilliantly titled post, likens Mellina to MoveOn.org, and wishes she would.
The harshest response comes for an anonymous Asbury Park activist who cites the "Queen of Ethics" as a hypocritical joke who was supportive of Operation Bid Rig felon Terrance Weldon after Weldon pled guilty to his crimes. As an Asbury Park councilwoman, Mellina engineered a $67,609.00 payment for back pay to Weldon, dispite the fact that the council's labor attorney said that such a payment was at the council's discretion. Mellina asked the labor attorney to change his opinion to state that the payment was mandatory. He refused. This according to Asbury Radio's The Weldon Timeline.
Asbury Radio's Weldon Timeline also states that Mellina revealed during a radio interview that she wrote to the federal judge hearing Weldon's case pleading for mercy for her friend.
Why does Mellina attack Clifton and Cantor who embraced and forwarded her reform agenda? Mellina says they are late to the party. Evidently she was too. I don't recall any Republicans voting to give any back pay to any of the county employees who were snagged in Bid Rig.
If Mellina is authentically committed to her reform agenda, she should welcome support from any political party, and refrain from partisan attacks on fellow reformers. Otherwise she is simply a partisan hack.
Kate Mellina owes Rob Clifton and Jeff Cantor an apology.
Monmouth County Republican Party
Holy moly! I haven't gotten that email yet. The last one I got was the invite to Stanely-Coleman's for Amy Handlin
Adam should be careful, he might end up with a F'Artagher
Goldwater said
"It will be interesting to see how your traffic is affected by this advertisement from the Chair. By trickle down theory, Teddy's and mine should get a boost, also."
Unfortunately I did not seem to get much of a bump.
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