.....that the Rasta Moretti post pushed MoreMonmouthMusings over 100,000 hits since the first of the year.
Thank you to all of my readers and commentors.
Honest Abe has a good post with the history of the blog that is now history.
Alan Moretti, underwater
Congratulations Art! That's a mighty impressive total. Keep it up.
Your Liberal Friend,
Rick Ambrosia
Thanks Rick, and thank you for your participation here.
art, why on earth have you not yet photoshopped this guy's face onto the oscar award yet?....just a thought.
I was working on the space suit, but then I stumbled across this underwater picture. All in good time. :-)
Good to see you blogging again.
we should really have a red carpet ceremony somewhere for this year's emmoretties...cant wait. thanks for the link-up once again.
I guess this all means that I never will get a F'artagher?
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