Thursday, January 17, 2008

Freeholder Karcher?

Jim Purcell reports on his InsideClamdigger blog that former Senator and current Christmas tree farmer Ellen Karcher is considering a run for Monmouth County Freeholder.

I would love to see that happen. It would make for fun blogging and create lots of traffic. But I don't think it will happen.

I think the Democrats are hoping Bill Barham decides to run for re-election and are floating names of people that Bill might think he can beat.


Anonymous said...

With all due respect to the former senator why does she think she would have a better chance of winning the Freeholder seat then keeping her Senate seat. That seems to defy logic

Anonymous said...

Billy could not even get enough support to be mayor in his little hometown. He is all flash without substance or principle.

Honest Abe said...

Kärcher would be power washed.