Monmouth GOP Chairman Adam Puharic announced tonight that Red Bank Councilman John Curley and Holmdel Mayor Serena DiMaso will compete at the March 26 convention for the GOP nomination to run for the Freeholder seat currently held by Bill Barham.
The screening committee results on Saturday were 16 votes for Curley with DiMaso and Steven Walsh of Freehold being tied at 14 each.
Puharic said that Walsh is a rising star, but that Curley and DiMaso have more experience.
Congratulations to Chairman Puharic. While I favor a more open process, this decision is more democratic than many have feared would have occurred.
Good luck to both candidates. May there be a spirited and lively campaign that increases participation amongst the county committee and Republican clubs throughout the county.
A Bishop Insults Trump
6 hours ago
I'm starting a push to re-open the whole darned process. What a sin. Its like Loserville this really the best we have? What a bunch of light weights. All the real candidates stayed home.
what makes you think fully open process would bring out better candidates? the process is already too open, which is why the field is repeadetly weak. anyone smart would never go through this.
honecker is going to wipe the floor in november. adam and the weebles are doomed
Inquiring minds want to know who Art is backing.
Adam was doomed the first time he opened his mouth and the dribble came out. No one worth electing will put up with the "Goon Squad " and entrance fees for nomination consideration or did the chairman only use that ploy to get rid of Anna Little because she can think for herself and he and the dropout couldn't control her. So much for the democratic process in the ' has been" Monmouth County Republican Party of today and look forward to the emergence of new leaders and new blood.
Teddy Roosevelt said...
Inquiring minds want to know who Art is backing.
I have a high regard for both John and Serena.
I very much like John's style, his commitment to serving the taxpayers, forthright manner. I believe he is a reformer.
Serena has impressed me whenever I have heard her speak about issues facing Holmdel taxpayers, i.e. the Lucent property, the Arts Center and the Prudential property.
I'm going to attempt to evaluate each candidate, independent of what I understand their alliances to be, and then make an announcement sometime around March 24th.
Thanks for asking TR.
the suspense. And I would love to see Honecker, who almost blew the lid off bid rig, run.
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