Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hey Rick

TR is looking for you!


Anonymous said...

Rick also made the same ridiculous claims about Casagrande. However I believe she was the first of any of the legislators to hold true to her word and give up her municipal appointments upon being sworn into office. It's refreshing to see politicians holding true to their promises. Thank you Caroline and Declan, keep up the good work in Trenton!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that my claims were ridiculous...some might, but I don't. I want them to be straightforward with their consituents. While it is commendable that O'Scanlon introduced this legislation, it will be incredible if he gets it passed. I applaud Assemblyman O'Scanlon for taking this giant first step and I sincerely hope that the Democrats in the legislature actually get this through.

And to TR, while it is premature of me to apologize since this is just proposed and has not been through any committees yet, I sincerely hope that if Assemblyman O'Scanlon can get this through then I will be one of the first ones to contribute to his re-election campaign. You have my word on that.