Friday, March 21, 2008

Saving the tax payers money: Good job!

The Asbury Park Press reports that the Monmouth County Department of Public Works and Engineering is saving the taxpayers money by refurbishing and retrofitting old trucks rather than buying new ones.

Good job!


Barry Goldwater said...

This is the second really good APP article that Tobia has seen since he took over in that "patronage" appointment.

Has the APP apologized for that?

Art Gallagher said...

Has the APP apologized for that?

Should they? Should I? I was a fierce critic of the appointment.

I am very pleased to see John doing so well. I hope the positive press is for an excellent job done and not a PR job to thwart criticism over his upcoming reappointment.

My problem with the appointment at the time, was not that John got the job, but the process by which he got the job.