"I don't intend to be bullied by Adam Puharic or his sycophants, toadys and lackeys." ~ Red Bank GOP Chairman Jack Minton.
Jack Minton called tonight and had a few things to say about John Bennett and Adam Puharic.
About why Bennett is running for Minton's seat on the Red Bank County Committee:
"For those who follow Harry Potter, maybe he's been confunded, or hit his head on a door jam."
Minton said that he was disappointed that Bennett did not tell him he was running when they saw each other on Monday before the filing deadline. "I thought John Bennett was a stand up guy. Obviously, he isn't," Minton said, "He's a cat's paw for Adam Puharic."
"Puharic has made a career of denigrating people. That's why he can't bring people together. That the county chairman would stick his nose into this municipal county committee race is pathetic."
Minton said that Puharic should have done his homework before telling the Asbury Park Press that "the other person," meaning Minton, had not been constructive for Red Bank Republicans. "In the last four or five election cycles, local Republicans have won in district 2, the district that I represent and that Bennett wants."
As for how "constructive" Puharic has been as chairman, "He's lost us two Freeholder seats, a sterling performance." "His role in the shunning of Anna Little was a time when Puharic came up to the mark real good and united the party."
Minton expressed his concerns for Puharic's fundraising ability. "When he was running for chairman he promised to come up with a fundraising system that was second to none. Well, we're a lot closer to none than we are to second."
With all of that off his chest, Minton called for new party leadership. "On a more serious note, we need a party chairman who is a honest broker and will allow people to come together. Someone who instills enough confidence in people that they will check their egos at the door and and work together for the common good. A party chairman needs to be a servant of the party members. We need to find someone who can fill that role."
Massachusetts vs. the Second Amendment
20 hours ago
This crap is classic of Puharic and all of his supporters ( if there are any ) and they all crawl out from under rocks !!! If the Republican Party in Monmouth County wants to survive ,the time has come to cleanse the party of all these creeps. Some honesty,integrity and class is needed. Adam Puharic doesn't have a clue. The only style he has is back stabbing on his own way to ruination of the party. The old guard who think they know it all better wake up....the Democrats are COMING!!!!
This Whole story makes no sense.
If Bennett and Puharic really wanted to go after Minton they would have run a slate in Red Bank. Bennet taking Mintons seat even if he pulls it off does not stop Minton from getting elected chairman. I am assuming most of the current committee people are loyal to Minton.
On the other hand why didn't Bennett talk to Minton. The usual procedure would have been to approach Minton about it and pledge to support him. He should have at least tried that route. Plus if Bennett wants to help the party he certainlly can do that without being on the conmmittee.
The whole story just does not make sense. I think we are missing something
Teddy Roosevelt said...
I think we are missing something.
That was my reaction too. Bennett told me he really has no agenda and decided to file at the last minute. He said that he is surprised that it has become a controversy.
I still think something is missing.
Maybe Puharic put him up to it as a quid pro quo for giving Bennett the national delegate seat over Beck, just because Adam wants to jerk Minton's and Gianell's chain.
That still doesn't make a lot of sense, but it would fit with Puharic's warped methods.
It's only a county commitee seat. Who gives a bull. If bennett loses now thats a story.
As for the chair minton doesnt have to be on county commitee to get elected. In fact some towns prefer it that way.
Minton stop your crying and stand up. This is politics not tag.
But still. Wahhh
Is anyone concerned that a grown man is making a Harry Potter reference when it has been out of the theatres or bookstores for months?
Or is that "Illogical" as my Vulcan friend Spock says?
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