Wednesday, May 28, 2008

MCRC County Chairman Convention

The convention for the next Monmouth County Republican Chairman will be held on

June 10, 2008 at the Lincroft Inn

700 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft

7:00 p.m.

For more information contact Kathleen at 732-431-6664

The Lincroft Inn? It's a very nice place, but it can't handle a crowd of 300 or more. Call Kathleen and ask her how many people can be accomodated and how many parking spots there are.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...just received my primary sample ballot...seems as though Adam has plans for Aberdeen or just for himself...he is on the ballot for district 12 Aberdeen as "member of the county committee-male"...or is this just a plan to secure his "alternate district delegate" spot for the RNC a few rows down on the ballot? Should we surmise that he is staying in district 12 in Aberdeen? Thought he was moving out of the county by his declaration of not running again for chairman and by the "for sale/under contract" sign on his lawn....

Honest Abe said...

It gives him a vote for himself in the convention if he's still in the house by reorganization. If he's out of that district, such a vote is challengeable. Once he moves, the committee seat is vacant and the local party organization has to vote to fill the vacancy.

the inside airbather said...

Gunnison beach can handle a crowd of 300 or more.