With schools, including Colts Neck High School, closing early today and tomorrow due to the heat wave, a sharp reader asked if the Monmouth County Republican Committee will still convene at Colts Neck High School tomorrow night.
Ilse Whisner, Public Information Officer for the Freehold Regional High School District, which Colts Neck High School is a part of, told MoreMonmouthMusings that the High School will be available and air conditioned.
The convention starts at 7PM(sharp! according to Adam Puharic's communiques) Check in starts at 6:30.
Make Alberta America
22 hours ago
With all that hot air in the auditorium, how will they even know the AC is on?
And who is footing the bill for all of this? Taxpayers? MCGOP? Madame Burry? Assemblywoman Casagrande? WHO? As a taxpayer in CN, I certainly don't want to foot part of the bill for the Reps to hold their convention.
It just wouldn't be fair.
Cool your jets Rick. The Colts Neck taxpayers are not footing the bill. That I know for sure. When I have the details I'll report them. In the meantime, take a pill.
Colts Neck HS is not owned by Colts Neck but by FRHSD. There are 8 townships and boroughs(Colts Neck, Englishtown, Farmingdale, Freehold Township, Freehold Borough, Howell, Manalapan and Marlboro) that pay taxes to run that school, and paid the bonds to build it.
Yes, I know that. And its still my taxes that help support that school. Do you think the police presence will be there from Marlboro or Farmingdale? No, it will be from Colts Neck. Should all the taxpayers pay for this just because its spread out over the other municipalities?
It still wouldn't be fair.
And Art, as a Republican Committeeman and an influental business owner and Blogger, all you had to do was pick up the phone and call in to get your answer. I'm surprised its taken you this long.
Time to take another pill Rick.
Rush Limbaugh takes pills Art...I don't.
Farmingdale doesn't have a police department. We ALL pay for the state police to patrol there!
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