I've been thinking a lot about race relations since Jessee Jackson uttered the word "nigger" while discussing Barack Obama during his "hot mic" moment. Some reports are that Jackson referred to Obama as a "fucking half-breed nigger."
Ooops! I just printed the N-word twice and the f-word to boot.
I spent a couple of hours today with an older Italian gentleman who helps me move vehicles for my business. He's in his 70's. Could be pushing 80. He's sharp as a whip and very healthy as far as I can tell, except for some hearing loss. He is an excellent driver and can handle any vehicle from a Honda to a Mack 18 wheeler.
I always enjoy driving with my friend. He always has interesting and funny stories to tell about his past exploits. Whenever we are heading somewhere to retrieve a vehicle, I'll drive so he can tell stories. If he's driving he pays close attention to the road. But when he's not driving he looks around, something triggers a memory and he's tell me a story about something that happened yesterday or 50 years ago. I love listening to his stories and I love him.
Today was no exception. Something triggered a memory about his past as a trainer of tractor trailer drivers and he went off on a roll. The f-word and the n-word were flying, as were the s-word, j-word, pr word and a few others. I listened and laughed with him, never using any of those words myself. When he exhausted that story he moved on to the news. He said something I won't repeat about Obama and then I asked him if had heard about the Mayor of Belmar and what he said.
"Oh yeah that guy, I can't remember his name." "Pringle" I said. "Yeah, that jerk," he said, "I heard about it." "How did it make you feel?" I asked him. "I didn't like it, I can't tell you how I felt. I was upset."
My friend got quiet for a minute or two and then we passed something on the road that triggered another memory. He was on a roll telling me another story, but this time he didn't use any of those words.
I'll write more about this, and some experiences I have had since the Nigger Nuts post, tomorrow.
Democrats Stand for Ukraine but Sit for America
14 hours ago
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