American Viewpoint, Inc.
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To: McCain Strategy Team
From: Linda DiVall and Randall Gutermuth
Re: Key Findings from Alaska Statewide
Date: September 3, 2008
American Viewpoint conducted 400 interviews with registered voters in Alaska on the evening of September 2, 2008 on behalf of McCain for President. The margin of error for the entire sample is +/- 4.9% at the 85% confidence level. Key findings are summarized below.
Alaskans hold Governor Palin in very high regard. They have rallied behind her and because they know her so well and have seen her perform her job so aptly over the past two years they believe that she, like every other working parent in America, can absolutely handle the demands of her family as well as the demands of running for Vice-President.
The special investigation appears to be politically inspired but voters support a full investigation. The McCain-Palin ticket performs well in Alaska and leads by a 24-point margin.
Governor Sarah Palin remains extremely well regarded in Alaska.
· Her job approval rating is astoundingly high with an 86% overall approval rating and 63% strongly approving of her job performance. Independents approve by a margin of 86% - 10% and there is absolutely no gender gap. 97% of Republicans approve of the job she is doing as do 75% of Democrats. She receives high job approval ratings across all regions of Alaska.
The Obama strategy of targeting and attempting to win Alaska is a fantasy. The McCain-Palin ticket holds a commanding ballot advantage over Obama-Biden, winning 57% - 33%.
· Independent voters cast their ballots for McCain-Palin, 50%-37%. Ticket-splitters vote for McCain-Palin, 48%-33%. Men vote for McCain-Palin 58%-30% with women voting for the GOP ticket 55%-35%.
· McCain-Palin draws 25% of Democrats and lead with those placing their emphasis on energy/gas issues, 74%-18%.
Alaskans view her as being just as qualified in terms of her background and experience as Barack Obama.
· 59% of Alaska voters say she is AS or MORE qualified as Barack Obama. 30% state she is more qualified than Obama, 31% that she is less qualified and 29% that she is just as qualified as the Democratic nominee.
· There is no gender gap on this result.
· This lead extends to Independents. Among Independents, 55% say she is AS or MORE qualified as Obama (20% of say she is more qualified, 35% that she is less qualified and 35% that she is just as qualified as Obama).
Alaskans have rallied behind Governor Palin and are proud of her choice as the Vice-Presidential nominee.
· By an overall margin of 56% - 15%, respondents report being more likely to vote for McCain as a result of Sarah Palin’s selection to be his running mate. Again, there is no gender gap on this measurement, Independents report being more likely to vote for McCain with Palin as his running mate by a margin of 55% - 16%.
· Intensity is quite strong with 44% much more likely to vote for McCain and 11% less likely.
The key advantage Palin brings to the GOP team is an emphasis on the reform dynamic of bringing new ideas and thinking to Washington (+59% net agreement).
· This is followed by +53% net agreement that the selection makes Alaskans feel proud, increases to +89% net agreement with very conservative voters; +48% net agreement that the selection makes them excited about the pick, increases to +87% net agreement with very conservative voters; and net +36% that she has the qualifications to be Vice-President, +81% net agreement with very conservative voters.
It’s Time to Cleanse the White House Press Corps
8 hours ago
Parlin is in North Jersey....Palin is the Alaskan Governor.
Thanks Rick.
Parlin is actually on the south side of the Raritan. South Amboy/Sayreville area.
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