Thursday, September 18, 2008

Corzine's Integrity

New Jersey voters have serious concerns about Jon Corzine's integrity as a result of his relationship with Carla Katz, according to a poll that Corzine himself commissioned.

Corzine's relationship with Lehman Brothers is also a major concern.

None other than Blue Jersey founder Juan Melli questioned New Jersey's investment in Lehman Brothers back in June.

New Jersey's pension funds have already lost over $100 million on Leham. Three of the 11 members of the Corzine's pension fund advisers have close ties to Leham.

Republican Assembly members Caroline Casagrande, Declan O'Scanlon and Joe Malone have demanded an explanation of how this happened and what safeguards are in place to prevent it from happening again.

We need more than explanations. We need an independent investigation into the apparent conflicts of interest at the New Jersey Division of Investment. Corzine's Attorney General can't be counted on to investigate these conflicts, and Blue Jersey's and Frank Pallone's rantings over U.S. Attorney Chris Christie would make Christie's office investigating the Corzine administration problematic.

Christie should request that Justice Department appoint a special prosecutor.

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