By JJ Sullivan III
MIDDLETOWN- Members of the governing body were again called on to address the issue of transparency during the September 15 public session, allegations that have become a frequently opined area of dispute among committee candidates and other members of the township.
Not surprisingly, the issue has made for strong partisan talking points, arguable from either side of the political spectrum.
Irv Beaver, Belford, president of the Middletown Retired Police Organization, questioned the billing of Township Attorney Bernard Reilly.
The retired officer cited numerous legal bills where the township had been charged for up to 22 hours of legal service on behalf of the township attorney's legal firm, apparently proposing that Reilly may have been reaping the benefits of beefed up hourly wages. He also cited a supposed holiday in which legal expenses were incurred while municipal offices were closed.
After a refusal by Beaver to recognize Reilly, a simple explanation was offered.
"I work a lot," said the township attorney, "there is no question about that. There are three lawyers and a staff that I employ, as well."
According to Reilly, the date of the meeting was a perfect example: "I was [at Town Hall] at 10 o clock, spending all of today working on various Middletown matters. As you can see, I am still here [it was 8 pm.] Also today, an attorney from my office was at a department of personnel meeting with the police chief. He left the office at 7:30 am and now got back at 5:30 pm. Obviously there are going to be a lot of hours on today's bill."
The longtime Township Attorney went on to say it was issue of the information presented on the billing materials, and was not an issue of any controversy among members of the committee, who reaffirmed Beaver that nothing suspicious was going on.
"We review all bills and expenditures that come through our offices," the mayor said, seemingly exasperated at Beaver's insinuations. "I've gone over every bill. Every one of them."
Short said lump sums are all the data presented when viewing the bill lists, asking if perhaps the committee could provide some clarity apart from the information of the billing party, the firm of Dowd & Reilly.
"If you have any questions [officials from both the township and Down & Reilly] are more than willing to provide detailed information, but we cant have the entire bill lists printed out for everyone," Scharfenberger said, speaking of the enormity in such an undertaking, which would result in the unnecessary waste of resources to alleviate the suspicions of a specific few.
Democratic committee candidate Patricia Walsh next addressed the committee, challenging them to offer more transparency in government, a cornerstone of her election efforts.
She presented a copy of a newly adopted Sunshine ordinance from Hillside, a northern New Jersey municipality, and "challenged" the committee to "step up to the plate" and approve similar allowances for public access.
"I want you to make government more transparent and accessible to its citizens," she said. "Transparency is the access to resolutions, ordinances and meeting minutes in a timely fashion."
Walsh said the public deserved the hard copies of ordinances being put to vote, as well as the ability the address the council before an ordinances adoption; privileges allowed under the Hillside ordinance she referred to.
"The public has been denied access to government. On January 4, this is the ordinance I am going to introduce when I am sitting up on that dais," the Board of Education member said, expressing an apparent confidence that she would defeat either Deputy Mayor Pamela Brightbill or her running mate, GOP committee candidate Anthony Fiore, in the upcoming municipal elections in November.
Committeeman Thomas Wilkens took exception to the inference by Walsh that the committee members, by disallowing or preventing certain types of public access, sought only to serve themselves.
"I am involved in township government not for the service of myself but for the service of my community," he said. "I am sorry if my demeanor does not reflect [my intentions to serve] but I take exception to that comment."
After Walsh, Cindy Cody Bjelka, a member of the audience, spoke out against what she regarded as the hypocrisy in the BOE members' statements to the committee.
"Pat Walsh is the last person to talk about transparency," she said, pointing to Walsh's long-time membership on the nine-seat collective that heads the Middletown school district. "If she gets in this government, forget about it."
She claimed citizens must go through a superfluous, time consuming process, including sometimes having to file suit in separate courts, to get OPRA [Open Public Records Act] requests fulfilled. She asserted that requests to the BOE have been either denied or devoid of information on an alarmingly consistent basis, and inferred that Walsh was at least partly responsible.
During her comments regarding the BOE and Walsh, Democratic committee candidate Jim Grenafege called for a point of order under Roberts' Rule, interrupting Bjelka mid-sentence.
"I'm calling for a point of order until Roberts' Rules," he said repeatedly until recognized.
The mayor denied Grenafege's demand and told the candidate he would have his opportunity to speak after allowing the present speaker to finish in a civil manner.
"Anyway," continued Bjelka in her denunciations of Walsh, "she has denied over and over and over again the citizens of Middletown access to the records that we have requested from the BOE. She has wasted more money in this town than anybody you can imagine, and she continues to do so."
Grenafege would mentioned the falsehoods contained in the most recent statement by the mayor appearing in the community newsletter, Middletown Matters. He said the mayor's definition and discussion regarding transparency in government failed to touch upon the basic principles of the notion.
The next workshop session will allow concerned members of the community another opportunity to address the governing body, albeit in a civil fashion.
Boy, Did We Dodge a Bullet ...
1 day ago
JJ - No quotes from Grenafege? Come on, he ruined the moron i mean mayor by telling him how full of sh&% he was in mtown matters, the true rag of the town. You get a pass this time, but from now on yould been more objective. But you are close
This was strictly a brief on the happenings at the last council meeting. I will hopefully be spending time with both Pat and Jim to get their opinions on the issues and to offer them a platform to rebut any such accusations, like those levied by the woman quoted in the article. That being said, this was strictly a report of specific occurences during the public comment session. I omitted certain speakers because that I felt redundant or irrelevant to the scope of the brief. In other words, "I called it like I saw it," while knowing it would be impossible to write every speaker into something digestable
Walsh will be exposed for her BOE background. Not on our watch Patti you a3e not fooling anyone
well done, i can get used to this. keep up the good work JJ. Front page of The Hub too!
The Bjelka woman is the last person to call anyone a liar....Her statements on a recent flyer she authored,and distributed involving the construction of the water pipe on Swimming River Road and insighting a near riot at the July regular meeting were the kind of statements not in the public interest and nothing but lies.. A resident of SRR requested the temporary use of the emergency connection that exists on the Majestic's,where this woman lives,and this woman selfishly disregarded the needs of the people who are directly affected by the construction.She is not as she has access to Newman Springs Road. There are elderly,infirm and one seriously ill person affected and many kids now are required to cross SRR to reach a school bus stop(in cases nearly a mile from their homes) in the area. Shame on this woman and shame on this township committee for listening to her..This woman is an agitator,has her agenda and has difficulty speaking the truth. To rebut her statements,Pat Walsh has given many years of service to this community as a BOE member.
JJ,if you are going to be another republican operative,forget it . .The public recognizes political bullshit when they see it.Tell the whole story or none of it.Your current boss onle sees things ONE WAY, the republican way not necessarily the fair way.
slight Republican lean but objective all the same. it seems the Republicans carried the day, as is usually the case. besides, candidates pandering during public session shouts 'No one is listening to me.' It cries of desperation, at least where I play politics
Failing to disclose $30k+ in gifts for your legal defense on a personal financial disclosure form required to be filed by law is not very transparent Ms. Walsh, now is it?
the GOP corrupts does it feel to be part of the bad guys JJ? I would not know so you tell me. How does it feel to be a twenty four year republican???? i bet you and art practice racial slurs with the rest of the good ol boys
The mayor needs counciling on proper use of Roberts Rules. The ignorance of this republican majority is the only reason he even holds the office this year. I was there in Jan.2008.Only about 7 more weeks to change and maybe some representation who know the rules and play by them come Jan.2009.Decency escapes some of this bunch.
One of the "anonymous" democratic operatives stated:
"The mayor needs counciling on proper use of Roberts Rules. The ignorance of this republican majority is the only reason he even holds the office this year. I was there in Jan.2008."
Can he/she elaborate? Who would have been mayor if roberts rules weren't "ignored" ... as you state.
Give the kid a break. Were any of you even at the meeting last week? If so,this presents a general account with a noticeable absence of the exchange between attorney Bernie and Irv it was better live trust me
I am not a Republican operative. Anything perceived as slanted or narrow or what-have-you, please let me know. I welcome criticism and embarrassment (I dont really have a choice)
TOM WILKINS !!! Short would have nominated him....would Wilkens have voted against himself ???? And it would have been better for MIDDLETOWN !!
JJ, tell mr whatshisface you know how to do your job.He used to do a better job then the current republican bullshit.What he fails to realize is people can make up their own minds and make better decisions when information is fairly and clearly presented. NOT SLANTED. P.S. I'm an undeclared voter because I don't like party intimidation !! I'm not a democratic operative.
Wilkens voted for Sharfenberger to be mayor. so, no, he didn't vote for himself. He is not like Pat Short, he actually thinks about what is best for the town, and not what is best for his own political career.
Because Roberts Rules were not followed,Wilkens nomination by Short was hindered by failing to acknowledge the committeeman's right to speak.You don't know what Wilkens would have done in that case do you???? As far as this resident is concerned,Scharfenberger is not entitled to the title and this township would have been better off with Wilkens as mayor!!!!!
Civility is foreign to Mr. Scharfenberger. If you are not a republican operative you are timed out before you start to address the committee.Bring your egg timer and don't take his crap.His day of reckoning is approaching.
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