To the Azzolina family and staff:
You made my use of the N-word front page news three weeks in a row.
You twisted GOP committee candidate Tony Fiore's words over an insignificant entry on his resume and dubbed him a "Fibber" on the front page.
You made a $300 billing discrepancy by the Middletown Township attorney front page news.
You made a legitimate $175 reimbursement to a Keyport employee front page news with scandalous headlines.
Is the story about Pat Walsh's conflicts of interests, acceptance of over $30,000 in gifts and failing to report such on her Board of Education financial disclosure reports and tax returns newsworthy?
Here's your chance to be newspaper again. You remember that, news, don't you? Is your publication a Democratic campaign piece or is it a newspaper? Your corporate name and website address contains the word news. Is that an accurate representation of who you are? Bayshore News? Really? Prove it.
If your reporters are too busy investigating dirty earth to cover potentially dirty candidates, help yourself to our coverage. It wouldn't be the first time material from this blog has been reprinted in your paper.
Pat Walsh has refused to comment to us on her problems. Maybe she'll talk to you. My reporter will be at her press conference Monday evening to ask her about the gifts and lack of transparent disclosure. What will your reporters be asking her about?
Are you The Courier or are you The Caliendo Crier?
Speaking of challenges, my friend James Hogan issued a great challenge to porn producer Larry Flynt. Check it out.
It’s Time to Cleanse the White House Press Corps
19 hours ago
Courier? Where wheeling isn't wheeling? I'd say they're the Crier.
Art, are you kidding? This piece of crap stopped being a newspaper long ago. Longtime residents who remember it back in the day shake their heads in disbelief at what they print. Ask yourself this - why would a Democrat publication want to delve into something that would be damaging to one of their candidates?
I think that the Courier will cover it, but from the angle of how did Gerry Scharfenberger get his hands on Walsh's tax returns?
I think that while there may be alot of noise made about Walsh's past, the bigger story is going to be about, who and how was responsible for releasing her 10 year old tax information when it is not part of the public record.
If anything does come of this Art, you may need to answer some questions yourself.
Good luck with that Rockhead.
As I responded in the other thread, the Middletown GOP doesn't have Walsh's tax returns, to my knowledge. I know I don't have them.
Walsh testified under oath in a deposition that she did not report the $30,000+ as income on her returns.
Keep trying.
If you would like a copy of the deposition transcript, and proof of the $30,000, send me an email to
I did not mean to imply that you had have her returns, just that this smells bad from both ends.
This information is 10 years old, if there was any validity to all of this don't you think that Amy Handlin and old man Thompson would have used this against her last year during her run for the Assembly?
I can't wait for her answers to JJ's questions on Monday.
You also need to be a little more civil to the people you answer, call them names doesn't do the discussion good. None of us are all knowing not even yourself.
You must be new here.
Poking fun is part of my charm. There are lots of other blogs to read if you don't like this one.
Making fun of your pseudonym hurts your feelings? Stick around and I'll really make your blood boil. If you have a weak heart or high blood pressure, stick to the Caliendo Crier blogs.
Like I said on the other thread, maybe the Middletown GOP has better opposition research than the Handlin/Thompson campaign did. Maybe Amy and Sam didn't think they needed to defeat Walsh.
If you want to get really machiavellian, maybe the GOP had this last year but didn't use it in hopes that Walsh would run for township committee this year and they could use it now.
Who cares why? If ifs and buts were fruits and nuts, everyday would be Christmas.
It is out now. It is a big deal.
Deal with it.
Or how about the time the courier tried to suggest kyrillos did something wrong because his treasurer forgot to add a "1" on the end of 200[1] on an elec report? that was a jackie corely hack special.
or how about the recent articles about the bad earth? bad reporting is more like it
I have never seen the circus clown so quiet.
As long as we are on the subject of the "bird cage liner" Courier, what about when Purcell and company tried to accuse Matawan's Borough Council of wrongdoing even though the Courts said no. They also didn't report on Scudiery donating $8500. to re-elect Mary Aufseeser unsuccessful campaign.
When the Democrats screw up in Matawan they never reported it.
We had a $125,000 deficit in 2008 and we will begin 2009 with an even larger deficit, currently a negative $400,000 in medical and climbing.
Azzolina calls himself a Republican, ha actions speak louder than words!
Speaking of Matawan, how about the fact that for the last three years, the paper has showed up in the driveways of certain homeowners in swing districts with the Matawan Democrat candidates on the front page?
Cant wait to see that headline about the 400k budget deficit..yeah right. LOL
Don't have to wait until Jan. 2009 for borrowing to begin. Matawan will start borrowing from the 2009 Budget, if the Dems have their way, at tomorrow's Borough Council meeting. This is October 2008.
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