Friday, December 05, 2008

McMorrow to be Director

Wally Edge is reporting that Barbara McMorrow will be Director of the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders in 2009.


Anonymous said...

Great. She is more inclusive and far more qualified then a Realtor to run the County! Many Republicans respect her far more then the current director and wish Barb would switch parties. She acts more like a Republican then most Republicans.

Anonymous said...

always with the snipes at Lillian: it's getting boring, really!..

Anonymous said...

ps: oh, and the correct English usage there would be :"than", not "then"..

Anonymous said...

Monmouth County is lucky to have a person of B.J. Mc Morrow's character as a freeholder and it's great she's going to lead the freeholders in 2009.She seems to unite not divide people. We certainly could use more public servants the like of Barbara Mc Morrow in government everywhere today.

Anonymous said...

the political bloodbath will begin in a about a week, mark the date

Anonymous said...

Funny don't see Ms. 12:33 complaining when people pick on the democrats on this blog.

Guess when you have no defense all one can do is stamp their feet.

The fact the truth is painful to some does not change the fact that it is the truth.

Enjoy the holidays!

Anonymous said...

it's "Mr". to you, "Mr".11:14... we call a spade a spade when it's backed by facts, be they "R" or "D"..Lillian did a good job, and Barbara's a nice, shrewd lady..ok?.. nice try, and you have a fun holiday, as well..

Anonymous said...

Time to judge people on the jobs they do...not the party they represent. There are decent people on both sides of the aisle. That being said, congratulations and wishes for much success to Barbara Mc Morrow and thank you for a job well done to Lillian Burry.