Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Part II: Matt Rooney interviews Steve Lonegan

Don't miss this one.


mike halfacre said...

Interesting, Lonegan says big government leads to corruption, while Christie takes the Corzine approach of blaming our problems on home rule and multiple municipalities...Christie just lost me a little more.

Christie has now spoken publicly on two issues, immigration and the size of government, and frankly, has blown both of them.

This is going to get very interesting...

ESedler said...

You lost me on this one Mayor.

I assume you're referring to this article:

But I don't see where he blames it specifically on home rule/multiple municipalities.

He say's that there's too much government spending, but I don't think he's targeting municipalities.

From the article:
He said that with more than 600 school districts and more than 500 municipalities splitting up billions in tax dollars, "it's hard to find hardworking, honest people to oversee all these pots of money."

The state has "too much government spending too much money out there and it tempts people," he said.

I'm not really sure he's targeting municipalties there, just stating the fact that there's alot of them along with school districts.

Of course, it could be perceived differently.

mike halfacre said...

The part where he says that NJ has to decide on either ending corruption or on keeping all its municipalities is where he got me.

From the article:

"At some point, he said, New Jerseyans will have to decide whether stopping corruption is more important than the many layers of government in the state."

ESedler said...

One could take that quote in many ways too.

But are you saying there aren't too many layers of gov. in NJ?

Even Lonegan says corruption is a product of big government in NJ, so what's the difference between the two statements.

If anything, the comment needs a little clarification, which I'm sure will happen sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

The difference is that Lonegan correctly points out that the corruption is at the state level, in the Abbott Districts and in the bigger towns. Christie thinks the corruption problem is caused because we have small towns and neighborhood schools.

Christie and Corzine's "solution" will only make the situation worse.