Saturday, January 10, 2009

McMorrow a Figurehead?

My friend Honest Abe thinks so. I'm not so sure.
(By the way Abe, congrats on those TD Bank commercials with Regis and Camden's Kelly Ripa. Who's your agent? Tommy DeSeno wants to know.)

This week McMorrow declared,
"The days of political patronage are over. Where there are positions in which changes might be made, we will seek resumes and applications, and in a bipartisan fashion we will interview candidates to ensure that we get the best-qualified person for the job. I have no doubt that many of the best people already work here."

Back channel sources embedded deep within the Hall of Records tell me that she means it, and that despite the great show of unity they put on at the reorganization meeting, McMorrow and her Deputy Director John D'Amico are not on the same page with regard to the changes they want to impose on Monmouth County. D'Amico, long a Trenton Democratic insider, wants to clean house and place partisans he can control in key jobs. McMorrow doesn't want to fix what is working for the sake of partisanship.

Amy Mallet is D'Amico's second vote. She has 100,000 Trenton reasons to do what she is told.

There is little doubt that D'Amico would like to be calling the shots, but McMorrow is no longer fetching his coffee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right like when the GOP ran Trenton or the County they did not hand out patronage jobs. Until the voters clean house in both parties nothing will change.