InTheLobby has a good summary of the national attention the NJ Governor's race is getting.
Christie's early lead in the polls against Corzine will likely boost his chances in the GOP primary race that he is already leading. Despite the Lonegan camp's sniping that Christie is short on specifics, which he is, primary voters are likely to support a candidate who looks to be a likely winner in the fall over a candidate with a good plan for governing but with questionable electability.
Lonegan's early fundraising has been impressive, as is his message. The test will be, can he can continue raising money at the same pace in the face of Christie's poll numbers. How quickly will Christie catch up with Lonegan's money now that he has formally declared? It appears that New Jersey's mainstream media, what is left of it, is in the tank for Christie. The GOP establishment is all in for Christie.
Unless Lonegan produces surprisingly strong fundraising numbers and a credible poll showing him closing the gap against Corzine in the general and Christie in the primary, the race for the GOP nomination is going to be over quickly.
On the Democratic side, I can still see Corzine being called to Washington as Secretary of Toll Roads of some other position, should he continue to poll so poorly.
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Art, if you go back 30 years you will see that the same comments you say about Lonegan and "electability" were raised against Reagan.
While some think that a candidate who shares Corzine's views on virtually every single issue is the strongest candidate, history does not back that up.
Kean, Forrester, Franks, Zimmer and the rest of their ilk were supposed to be "electable." The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Chris Christie is no different than the last bunch of "moderate" wimps afraid to mix it up.
Meanwhile, Chris has no money and Lonegan's on the air through the primary.
Lonegan's fundraising is a pittance in gubentorial race. Chris's first matching filing with ELEC will likely surpass every dollar raised by Lonegan, but I doubt it will be worthy of a press release every time a match is applied for--only desperate candidates do that.
Art, if you go back 30 years you will see that the same comments you say about Lonegan and "electability" were raised against Reagan.
I agree Rick, but Reagan wasn't competing for the 1980 nomination against an opponent with significanly better polling numbers and name recognition. He lost the 1976 nomination to President Ford.
I am concerned that Christie may be another Kean or Whitman. Time will tell. I hope he is not.
so, let's not be embarassed again in the nat'l. spotlight!..past convictions of arrogant, petty crooks, does not do ONE thing to stop the continual over-regulation of every part of our lives by this state, (now it's a $500. fine if someone decides you didn't pull over fast enough for a police car in pursuit or a firetruck, the annoyance of continually-rising taxes and fees of every type, and esp. the tolls every five minutes,as well!) and, there's no courage anywhere shown,to address the "free," growing, hosp. care here for the illegals, that's closing several hospitals statewide, and nothing gets done to help those losing homes, and jobs, and finally giving up and getting out of NJ for good, taking their small-businesses and taxpaying work-ethics with them..message, message, and truth, truth, and action, action, please!!
actually, Lonegan's ahead in fundraising to date, and will have enough to run on, with the match: since NO one on our side can match Bozo's checkbook, it has to be won on IDEAS and solutions that people can relate to and glean some hope and relief from!
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