Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Joe The Plumber To Stump For Lonegan

The Lonegan Campaign announced a fundraiser with Republican Gubernatorial candidate, Mayor Steve Lonegan, and Joe the Plumber.

The event will take place Tuesday evening, May 5, 6PM, at the Deutscher Club of Clark located at 787 Featherbed Lane in Clark, NJ.


nosoupforyou said...

Haha! I knew it!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, Lonegan's toast now.

Unknown said...

Well, Joe the Plumber was a fun prop for one of the debates, but since when is he a celebrity and people are supposed to care who he's endorsing?

Baba O'Riley said...

Better yet, how much does he cost? This is matching funds we are talking about here, I don't really like my taxpayer money being used to pay Joe the Plumber's appearance fee.

Mrs.Conservative said...

Looks like some people have been drinking too much Kool-Aid. Joe the Plumber is a regular American. I'm happy he would back anyone from libby NJ. Sorry if it's not Hollywood enough for you. Truth is, Steve Lonegan tells it like it is and it's hard to understand why anyone would not want to cut wasteful spending, provide incentives for businesses to stay in NJ, and save taxpayers money. If that troubles anyone here, maybe you need to vote for Corzine again. I have 3 kids and I am going to fight you tooth and nail on this. Go Steve - we need honesty and someone with a good record of cutting waste in govt. like you.

Unknown said...

I didn't say anything about Steve Lonegan, just about the endorsement. In my view, an endorsement matters when it comes from someone with a better known position on important issues and who, by their endorsement, assures us that the candidate will stand by the same values. Joe the Plumber and Hollywood celebrities have no standing to endorse a politician. It would rather be the other way around, if Steve Lonegan would endorse Joe the Plumber, that would assure me that Joe represents strong conservative values. But Joe endorsing Steve... what would that mean to the voter??