Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama's Approval Ratings Drop Below 50%

Corizne is in deep doo doo.

Rasmussenreports' daily tracking poll has President Obama's approval ratings dropping below 50% for the first time.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 30% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8.

Just 25% believe that the economic stimulus package has helped the economy.

The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern.

Overall, 49% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Today marks the first time his overall approval rating has ever fallen below 50% among Likely Voters nationwide. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.

The MoreMonmouthMusings seat of my pants poll indicates that Obama's popularity and credibility were damaged by his visit to New Jersey last week. Obama's embrace of the failing Corzine was so incredulous that nationwide voters are questioning his judgement. Suddenly he can't get his health care plan through Congress, questions are again rising over his birthright citizenship and DON'T BLAME ME, I VOTED FOR McCAIN bumper stickers are on back order.

History will blame his healthcare proposal on the decline of Obama's presidency, but in reality his visit to the PNC Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ was the beginning of the end.


James Hogan said...

I'm not sure any one thing has hurt him Art, it's been the whole package that has been pretty bad, and I really really really tried to like the guy, especially after he got the credit for some reason for our Navy Snipers picking off those pirates (the latest NRA American Rifleman magazine has a great write-up on the story).

But, his foreign policy overall stinks. U.S. Deaths Hit A Record High In Afghanistan can't be helping his cause. Despite the "news" failing to cover it, we're still fighting a war in Iraq where many thousands of American families have brothers and sisters, sons and daughters serving. Meanwhile, Joe Biden isn't helping matters with Russia. And I'm sure Biden's Diarrhea of the Mouth problem having spread to Obama and coming out in the manner of calling out the local Mass PD hasn't helped his cause any either.

Not to mention that Obama and company have been threating the 2nd Ammendment since day 1, but damn if this graph (S&W Stock) or this graph (Ruger Stock)doesn't look pretty. Seems with demand for firearms so high for all manufactures, the nation as a whole must be 2nd Ammendment supporters after all.

And for all of the billions in federal stimulus money given out... the roads are still the same ol' roads full of potholes, the bridges are still the same ol' bridges. The trains and tracks are the same. The beaches are still closed due to pollution and GM still can't make a car people want to buy.

But hey, look at the bright side, once we're all unemployed, we'll get free government healthcare right?

Unknown said...

And I was there a the PNC ArtsCenter, I feel like I"m part of history now!

Anonymous said...

Apparently, associating with Corzine is a very bad thing - stop by the MC Dems booth at the fair - not a mention of the governor there.

And my bumper sticker says "YES YOU DID"