Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fishy Email

I just got one of those fishy emails the White House has been warning us about. I liked it and thought you might too:


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures, Art. By the way, do you have a plan to help the 50 million Americans that lack health insurance?

Art Gallagher said...

As a matter of fact, I do.

Anonymous said...

Do tell.

Anonymous said...

I do take it that you know saying 50 million AMERICANS is an exaggeration. First off illegal aliens are NOT Americans. Secondly, how many of those people are young and choose not to have insurance? Thirdly, how many people qualify for government health care, but don't apply. The number is far, far less than 50 million just taking illegals out cuts the number almost in half. Before we nationalize our health care why wouldn't we fix the government programs that we have already put into effect and bankrupted?

stopthesocialists said...

Art, this is the typical liberal line - people don't have health care, or a job, or money for their mortgage - what are YOU going to do about it? The beauty of this country has always been that people had the freedom and opportunity to reach for and attain whatever it is they want or need. So rather than making adjustments to the best healthcare system in the world, such as tort reform, elimination of unnecessary and costly procedures and increased competition, and cutting taxes so people could afford their own health insurance, liberals want to turn over one seventh of our economy to the government - the same entity that has bankrupted SS, Medicare, Medicaid and is famous for such purchasing marvels as the $600 hammer. Scary.

Anonymous said...

STS, should the United States abolish Medicare and Social Security? Are those positions that you think the Republican party should be advocating?

Anonymous said...

I think Stop The Socialists might be on to something. In addition to getting rid of popular yet "socialist" programs like Medicare and Social Security, maybe we could also stop funding the public schools? Maybe we could also stop paying for public parks, public libraries, state universities, etc. And why stop there? What do you think, STS? Should we scrap those pesky child labor laws while we're at it? And think of how many jobs could be created if only the Almighty State wasn't enacting burdensome regulations like fire codes. Sheesh! If only we could turn back the clock 200 years to a time when STS and other people "had the freedom and opportunity to reach for and attain whatever it is they want or need."

Sarcasm off.

Art Gallagher said...

Anonymous 3:50 and 8:06

Did you go to the same school as that woman who is suing because she can't get a job? Is your reading comprehension really that bad, or are part of the liberal spin machine.

STS didn't write anything about getting rid of any programs. really knew that and were just spinning, right?

matawan advocate said...

We want the same health plan Senators, Congress, etc. are given. Shouldn't all Americans deal with a level playing field. We are tired of "fat cat" politicians dictating what is good for us and how we should be grateful they are doing it for us. Oops or is that TO US! Scary, isn't it?

By the way, love the pictures, Art.

Anonymous said...

yeah, 9:48am, it's a plan called "freedom",I know it's getting harder every day to recall what that word is and means, the freedom to choose whether you want to buy it or not, if you are a healthy young person who wants to earn and spend your money elsewhere, rules to do a pay SOMEthing, please, for your continuous, free ER care, and, letting the freemarkets and competition drive down costs!..

Anonymous said...

anyone who wants a cradle-to-grave,nanny-state government is free to deport themselves, renounce their citizenship,and go the hell to any number of them,elsewhere!.. YOU can give 80% of your money to "mother gov't", NOT ME!

Send the Socialists far away said...

I have a plan for the uninsured.
Do what you have to to get your act together and get some insurance. If you can not do that seek out charity care. It is not my fault you do not have insurance. It is not the governments fault you do not have insurance. IT IS NOT THE GOVERNMENTS JOB TO PROVIDE YOU WITH HEALTHCARE.

BTW By all means lets get rid of a lot of government programs. The government does a lot that we could do for ourselves. Yes that includes all the corporate welfare.

And by all means lets get rid of Social Security. It is a poorly thought out program. A ponzi scheme that will eventually fail.
Lets replace it with something that is self supporting, makes economic sense and returns some personal responsibility.