Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande said today that the recent decision of the Freehold Regional High School District to create a new position in the district for Superintendent H. James Wasser after he resigns in June highlights the need for the Assembly to pass several pieces of legislation she has sponsored in order to cap unnecessary school spending.
“At a time when property taxes continue to force more and more people from their homes and from the state, and with the school portion the largest part of the property tax bill, it is imperative that we ensure school boards are spending taxpayer money as frugally as possible”, said Casagrande. “ We can no longer afford to give public employees five and six figure going away presents at retirement or have $200,000 make-work jobs.”
Casagrande is the prime sponsor of A-3185, which would have the Department of Education create a template contract for superintendents, and require the approval of Education Commissioner to make an y changes to the contract. She is also the sponsor of A-2583, which would limit payments for accumulated sick leave to $10,000 and broaden the scope of state and local employees covered by the bill.
Casagrande called the board’s decision to move Wasser to his new position the lesser of two evils and said “ If we’re required to pay him until 2011, I’d certainly rather have him working for the district rather than sitting home collecting a check. My point is, that in the future if a board feels there is a genuine reason to fire someone- and I would argue that despite the opinion of some former and current board members, benefiting from a degree from an unaccredited institution is a genuine reason- they should be able to do so without having to make a devil’s bargain that puts the taxpayers on the hook once again. ”
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
20 hours ago
Thank You Caroline. There is a big meeting at Marlboro High School on October 5th at 8PM.
Lets address Mr. Wasser, and the Board of Education regarding the largest academic and economic fraud in the history of the Freehold Regional High School District.
Lets demand the state Department of Education take over this inept district; Lets demand that the 5 employees return their ill-gotten gains to the taxpayers.
It is afterall, for the childen!!!
I am very disappointed and outraged over these new developments with WASSER. I don't want to live in Marlboro anymore. HOW CAN HE GET AWAY WITH THIS? Have you ever been to a board of Ed meeting? They are a bunch of idiots who somehow have their own agendas. All the videos of the meetings past and present are on you tube. There are just no words - it gets worse and worse and WASSER controls it all. He intimidates teachers, etc. Is there anything you can do? We the taxpayers in FRHSD need help from outside agencies. Please get involved. Thank you.
If we are forced to pay him in full thru 2011, I think the lesser of the two evils is to make him stay at home. I want Wasser as far away from this board as possible. His presence anywhere near Pine St.for another year will only be a hinderance to the new Superintendent and his attempts to establish his own identity. Many of the duties the board wants to assign Wasser are already covered by the other administrators and the new Supt.
If Wasser wants to retire early, leave in 2010 and be gone.
Yes, I agree the lesser of two evils but on the other hand, how can we afford to have two superintendents on payroll. We need outside help in firing him- I believe there are grounds for dismissal with the whole phony degree fiasco and we also need to get rid of the entire BOE - what they are doing should be illegal. Maybe a class action suit would do the job. This new president appears to be an idiot and how he is president is beyond my comprehension. I am very concerned with the economy and all households cutting back he is thriving on our hard earned money and this will definitely raise our taxes.
I live in Manalapaan. Michele Roth is our former mayor and current Committewoman who is running against Caroline Casagrande.
What does she have to say about this travesty??? Oh yeah..she is too busy going after the police chief
I inserted the word "Wasser" inside the search box--I can't believe the information the emerged about this guy.
The below listed assistant DOE commissioners should be contacted before they have their Monday morning coffee. Let them know what you think should be the future direction of the Freehold Regional High School District, AND the future of Mr. Wasser.
Beyond the disgusting greed and lack of ethics displayed over and over again by Wasser, the Board of Education has failed us terribly. They allowed the BSU mess to happen. They paid the bill and approved the raises, etc. THE PUBLIC revealed the scam and the public fought hard to get the fake title and raise removed - THE BOARD TRIED TO PROTECT HIM. THEY ALLOWED THE BOARD LAWYERS to protect him at our expense. THE BOARD ALLOWED HIS SCAM AND ONCE IT WAS REVEALED DID NOTHING TO REMEDY THE SITUATION - THE BOARD IS AS UNETHICAL AS HE IS.
Now the BOE has signed off on a deal that again robs the public and rubs our nose in it. This board not only did nothing to stop Wasser's unethical behavior - they are going to reward him with a years paid vacation and another year's pay in accrued sick time. THEY JUST GAVE HIM 2 YEARS of pay to sit home and laugh at all of us.
Michelle Roth should be shown the door just like James Wasser. She has not made one public remark regarding James Wasser.
Roth and Wasser are toxic for Manalapan.
After Chief Brown wins his case for defamation against Michelle Roth. The Manalapan taxpayers will once again have to pay for Roth's actions. We are still paying for Wassers.
The problem is much easier to solve then that. Especially since it was originally caused by the legislature. Boards are required to give superintendents multi year contracts by state law. How about they get yearly contracts or better yet make them employees at will.
Anyone who is within this school district needs to do more than just stand idly by. WRITE to the NJ Dept. of Education, ATTEND the next FRHSD Board meeting at Marlboro High School on October 5th at 8PM.
We really need to appear there in LARGE NUMBERS and show these MORONS how OUTRAGED we are!!!
I would like to thank Congresswoman Casagrande for introducing legislation aimed at controlling school spending. However, the legislation introduced does not go far enough and address the real problem in education -- tenure.
When was the last time tenure laws were revised?
Do tenure laws serve the purpose for which they were intended?
How can tenure laws be modified to ensure BOE's can swiftly and economically dismiss employees for just cause?
If Wasser did not have tenure protection, I am sure the FRHSD BOE would have dismissed him a year ago based on public pressure alone.
What legislation can be introduced to restrict tenure protection and allow BOE's to terminate employees at minimal cost to taxpayers? Right now the employees have all the protection and we have none!
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