Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Princeton Venture Capitalist To Seek GOP Nod in CD 12

MoreMonmouthMusings has learned that venture capitalists Scott Sipprelle will seek the Republican nomination to challenge Rush Holt in the 12th congressional district.

Sipprelle will make a formal announcement of his candidacy on Wedensday Janurary 13, 6PM, at the Princeton Regency Hyatt.

Fair Haven Mayor Mike Halfacre is also seeking the CD 12 GOP nomination.

In an email to supporters, Sipprelle said, "My decision to enter the realm of public service was made after considerable reflection about the serious challenges affecting our local and national economies and my strong conviction that the time has come for new ideas and a fresh approach to the problems facing our country."

Sipprelle spent 22 years on Wall Street. He was Managing Director and Head of U.S Equity Capital Markets at Morgan Stanley before leaving the firm to co found the Midtown Capital Partners hedge fund (1998-2002) followed by Copper Arch Capital, a fund he liquidated at the top of the market in 2007.

Since leaving Wall Street, Sipprelle authored the novel, The Golden Dog and founded Westland Ventures. Westland has investments in BlogTalkRadio, The Princeton Bank, Narragansett Brewery and Zhena's Gypsy Tea.

Sipprelle's political involvement to date has been as a financial contributor, donating primarily to Republican candidates and the Club for Growth PAC. Two notable exceptions are donations made to Connecticut U.S Senator Joe Lieberman in 2005 and New York U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer in 2002.

Republican sources say that Sipprelle is prepared to spend upwards of $700,000 of his own money in his quest to unseat Holt.


Anonymous said...

Just what we need. Another millionaire with no experience telling us he knows better. See, e.g. Corzine, Forrestor, Estabrook, Unaue, et al.

Republicans need to get away from their love affair with monied candidates. A wall street guy, no less!! Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

I wish Scott Sipprelle the best of luck. Mike Halfacre doesn't have a prayer of beating Rush Holt. Scott Sipprelle will certainly make for a much stronger challenger.

Anonymous said...

Thank God! Hopefully he has no baggage or attitude to go along with those bags of money....

If so, this is a real chance to unseat Holt.

James Hogan said...

... but does Mr. Sipprelle have a website? I know that the internet is a just a fad and all but I think that in this case those interwebs could be useful, not that there have ever been candidates without websites before of course, just sayin'

Anonymous said...

seems like an impressive guy.

If he can get the line in Mercer and Hunterdon which is likely looking at all the donations hes made there, we have a real primary fight. If he can also get the line in Middlesex and/or Somerset, this election is over - Halfacre loses. I'm hearing Baroni is already backstepping his endorsement. If this guy spends his own money which he will Halfacre is done.

Most importantly, this guy hired Jamestown Associates, the same consultants who did Curley and Massell, the best in the business.

Halfacre has a big problem - However, Halfacre is better for Monmouth local races than this guy.

Anonymous said...

Halfacre who?

stopthesocialists said...

Shave his head, have him grow a stupid looking beard and get him a pair of granny glasses and you'll have Jon Corzine. I can see Holt's campaign ads now, "Wall Street got us into this mess, why put a Wall Street insider in Congress," blah, blah, blah.

Anonymous said...

The guy supports the club for growth. That says a lot of positive things.

Anonymous said...

Was that picture taken while on a tour of a vineyard, where's his glass of Chardonnay?

Wall street got us into this mess! Great line.

Halfacre has done a nice job as mayor and so far in this campaign. He will win.

Anonymous said...

"If he can get the line in Mercer and Hunterdon which is likely looking at all the donations hes made there, we have a real primary fight."

Oh really?

Hunterdon County Chairman Henry Kuhl said he has met with both candidates and came away slightly more impressed with Halfacre’s preparations.

“I don’t say that I have a preference yet, but my observation is that Halfacre seems to have a better plan of a campaign,” he said.

There goes that theory.

Anonymous said...

Halfacre cannot beat Holt for far more reasons than the $ issue.

Baggage, folks. Baggage.

Wait until the general election if he wins the primary. It will be all over in short order.

stopthesocialists said...

Hey anonymous 10:47 - that's the same crap that you Dems trotted out against Christie and look who's getting sworn in on the 19th. Holt has the worst baggage of all - a horrendous record, a clueless worldview and most importantly, the anger of the voters. I can still hear the boos when he told an angry crowd in Marlboro that he supported Corzine's toll hike scheme. And another little gem - with the e-mails coming out showing how scientists have concocted the global warming hoax, that jive about him being a rocket scientist want be such a novelty this time around. We survived a primary last June and won, we'll do it again.

Anonymous said...

Mike, nice try posting here anonymously.

Thanks for showing yourself as the arrogant and now angry narcissist so many in Fair Haven already know you are.

May the best man win.

Anonymous said...

Heraclitus got it right: A man's character is his fate. Start practicing that concession speech, Halfacre. The only way you'll enter the Capitol building is as a tourist.