Three days into the MMM poll, Who would be the best running mate for Rob Clifton this year?, "Someone Else" has a substantial lead with 30% of the vote.
Top named contenders are Anna Little and Tom Wilkens with 16% each, followed closely by Joe DiBella, 14%.
Thomas Arnone and Serena DiMaso have 10% and 9% respectively.
Kim Spatolo, a contender last year has only 3 votes, for 2%.
The only declared candidate, Gary Rich, has no friends or family with computers.
The most prominent mentioned "Someone Elses" in the first post about this poll are State Committeewoman Christine Hanlon, Middletown Committeewoman Pam Brightbill, West Long Branch Councilwoman Barbara Ruane and former Red Bank Councilwoman Grace Cangemi.
The poll ends Monday the 22nd at 3:27PM. Contenders with less than 10% of the vote will be dropped from the next poll and the most mentioned "Someone Elses" will be added.
One anonymous commenter said that the Affiliated Club's candidate night will be on March 26, followed by the the screening committee meeting the following day.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
15 hours ago
"Someone else" is an easy cop-out answer. The grass is always greener ... right?
Grace,without a doubt.
What about the guys from Oceanport? Mike Mahon and Joe Irace?
ouch! looks like dibella didn't like all those votes against him in the "should joe dibella run for freeholder poll" and had art remove it to spare him any further embarassment. yesterday said there were 2 days left to post in the poll. today, with almost 2 to 1 votes AGAINST him running, the poll goes poof into the blogosphere. why is that art?
why is that art?
Because I felt like taking the poll down. The conversation is focused now on who should run with Rob.
Joe made no request about the poll, one way or the other.
sorry but this doesn't pass the smell test especially when you need your credibility in order for your blog to be taken seriously. why did you "choose" to pull only that particular poll. Why not let the 2 days play out. the other two polls remained.
How about Steve Rosenthal from Marlboro, he is being appointed honorary deputy mayor
sorry but this doesn't pass the smell test especially when you need your credibility in order for your blog to be taken seriously. why did you "choose" to pull only that particular poll. Why not let the 2 days play out. the other two polls remained.
GFY. I could care less about what an anonymous commenter with an ax to grind thinks about my credibility or that of this blog.
I answered your question honestly. If you think the answer stinks, go read another blog.
so you don't care what an anonymous poster has to say yet that's all you've had here since you started this farce of a blog site. you're hoisted on your own petard and respond with "gfy" when asked a reasonable question. so basically what we have here is, if we don't kiss your ass, we should kiss your ass. well at least now i've gotten you to expose yourself for the obviously biased shill you really are.
so you don't care what an anonymous poster has to say yet that's all you've had here since you started this farce of a blog site. you're hoisted on your own petard and respond with "gfy" when asked a reasonable question. so basically what we have here is, if we don't kiss your ass, we should kiss your ass. well at least now i've gotten you to expose yourself for the obviously biased shill you really are.
GFY=Good For You. What did you think in it meant?
You'll be back.
to this first poster above, "someone else" is not a cop out answer when all those listed are political hacks. We all know it is not about the best person but about who will play ball and hand out the favors at the taxpayers expense. We need some like Cristie in Monmouth cutting the waste
Anon poster at 5:57.
So you know all of these individuals personally and can actually attest that each one of them is a "political hack and will just play ball and hand out the favors at the taxpayers expense." Who are you? If I knew, maybe I would be impressed.
As Art would say ... GFY with your anon post from the peanut gallery.
Try offering something of value.
Grace Cangemi.
geez, now they attack the guy who pays for the blog and maintains it? must be the general frustration with the direction these libs are taking the country manifesting in Grump City!..the idea is to chew the political fat, so to speak, then go out into the hinterlands and dig up some neat conservative warriors to help us WIN!
maybe vin gopal will get his buddy fred rast to run, oh wait he would lose half his ads in atlantic highlands then if that crooked relationship ever went public.
Grace Cangemi would be the logical and BEST candidate. She's smart,articulate, cares about Monmouth County and most importantly she believes in good government, not her own agenda. Here's the problem, there won't be a Convention so the people won't have a say. It will be the same nonsense as last year, either the "sense of the room" or a vote by those invited by the Chairman.We all know if he has his way it will be his personal favorite, I guess if he puts her name on enough things eventually she will get something other than the Board of Election, which she signed herself off on.Ah yes Democracy is GREAT!
Does anyone know what steps are being taken by our chairman to develop bylaws as Now required by state law?
the bottom line is: we need to elect a new sheriff, re-elect one freeholder, and a new freeholder this November, and we need to NOT screw it up with complaining and infighting..long before the few divisive "conventions," for a good 30-40 years, there was always an advisory committe, it's not supposed to be called a screening committee, composed of all munic. chairs, current and former GOP electeds, and the men's and women's groups' presidents and imm. past pres., and the st. comm. people: so,that gave around 80 party leaders, to vote for the endorsed line.. assuming it's about the same this year, it isn't hard to pick up the phone, and call any of the leaders you know and suggest your fav to be considered, they need to send a resume and letter to the chair that they are interested, and get off your duffs to do something, instead of rumor-mongering and bitching.. otherwise, personal favs that may not be yours, will get the nods..if you aren't involved enough to speak to your own town's chair or one of your own electeds, then that's your own fault,don't complain!..
Yes, the chairman said bye law I'm in charge.
Im not sure that the size of the town or borough holds any weight. I think the MAIN factors are experience and formal education. Of course there are exceptions but rarely. Rob Clifton has a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree in administration. Top notch credentials. Others like Oxley have law degrees. Golden has a Masters and a Certified Mgr. Cert. Much like the private sector, cant the citizens of Monmouth County expect their officials/freeholders to have high educational requirements or just a basic HS diploma ? Maybe thats how NJ got into this mess in the first place ? Poularity and a "nice guy" means zero when managing a budget and making business decisions. TAKE A clue from the private sector and review credentials closely.
to 6:15 same to you. FYI the "peanut gallery" doesn't really care about your opinion of us as we are sucessful people in the private sector who don't need to live off the public dole like parasites and don't have to put out spin and play the game to get elected. Anyone who thinks that any government body in New Jersey is doing a good job deserves the government they get. The best that can be said is some are less wasteful and corrupt then others. Sorry that you have to kiss a-- of the party bosses, but guess that is what those who can not make it in the real world need to do.
to 11:31 - I am not in the public sector either.
If you are so great and successful in the “private sector”, why don’t you add to society and run for office yourself.
It is cowardly to sit back and anonymously complain about everything and everyone else – through name calling, finger pointing, and baseless generic allegations that you don’t support with any evidence whatsoever.
How would a freeholder be living off the “public dole like a parasite” when that position gives you less than $30K a year with no benefits? Also, didn’t most of these local elected officials make it in the private sector first?
No, not ALL but some of these officials have made it in the private sector. It depends on what you mean by "make it". running a multi million dollar construction company like Barham ? A partner at a law firm like Oxley or a Cable company exec. like Clifton ? Running a 80k business is not success that can translate into success at the county level. And the 30k a year at Freeholder is just to get into the pension system and then eventually get the 100k job for 3 yrs to base your pension on.
If I legally change my name to "Someone Else" can I be on the ticket with Rob Clifton?
And if Darelle Revis beats me in the primary, I'll change my name back.
Joe "Class of Ocho Cinco" Hadden
Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of those voting here on this blog are party insiders (or in Joe Dibella's case - one person with many computers). The winner of this poll won't necessarily be the most electable person in the general election.
Who will that person be?
you pick by degrees, only? Remember, Ted Bundy had a degree and many other mass murders had degrees, think about it.
There are many in America with out college degrees and know more about business then a bookworm. Life experience relates well to voters. Integrity & honesty are not learned in school. There are more corrupt politicans with degrees than without. Dumb statements to overlook anyone without a degree. Knowledge isn't always learned in a classroom. Think about it.
Might be true but deep down, education does matter. There are amazing people without education but when voters look at credentials they're pretty astute on whether someone attended or graduated from college--and when there's no formal education beyond HS, people take note. While we all know it's true that there are many successful people without education who run businesses and have lots of money..the average voter probably still equates education with intelligence. Because the avg. voter is dum..I mean dumb...Just sayin...
Well I have to agree. Choosing a candidate with a formal education is important. Yes there are exceptions like Bill Gates. He dropped out of Harvard to start Microsoft. But in general, its a pretty good foundation to have. The Freeholder position should have that requirement. Formal Education and success in school is a good indicator of success in real life, again there are exceptions. College shows discipline and gives people basic skills to run a county budget, make decisions, and manage people. But more importantly, why not ? Dont the people of Monmouth County deserve a highly educated Freeholder ? I think we do.
To 7:31 and 10:54 Millicent Fenwick is turning in her grave with your comments. Do you know who she is? Check out her creditials without college!
Yes, know Milicent Fenwick well -- different era. She was a great lady but again, times have changed a lot since then. Most women and many men didn't go to college during that time--right to work. Rignt now most colleges are full with more than 55% females.
as I've been trying to tell party braintrusts for years, the largest demographic moving into this county are more educated, 30-40's-ish young, professional,working families, who would likely vote for people they can better identify with,i.e., like them- selves: educated, working 2-income fams, busy with decorating,landscaping, and school activities,SUV's,sports,dance and kirate,etc., and trying to raise decent citizens, while the taxes go up, the culture goes down, and time is always of the, while there are plenty of fine people to run and do the job,who don't have much formal education, many in this more educated group want "ed-cred's", to start with, and people who can empathize with where they are in their lives, and who are handling similar lives, and who also want to represent them..if I was to run somebody with a high school diploma vs. one with at least one degree, with similar values and messages, I'm sorry, I think I'd put out the college grad first, for this ever-growing voting block to identify with..if the ticket already has a younger, educated person, as we do in Rob Clifton, I would then add a down-to-earth, small business person like Arnone, to balance it out!
So discriminating against Non-College is ok and accepted. That should go over big. Who thought of that? An Educated College Graduate?
look,don't be so sensitive, just trying to be realistic, and if you worked out in the trenches every year,(especially in the growth areas of western Monmouth), you'd understand that young, educated new voters,(and many other people,too) do look at ALL credentials, and every campaign always lists all credentials, including their education,or lack thereof..I personally prefer community service on boards,commissions,charities, etc., as #1, and it does help to have been elected at least once locally,if even to a school board, should they want to go to a higher office!
Anon poster at 3:25 said the "the largest demographic moving into this county are more educated, 30-40's-ish young, professional, working families, who would likely vote for people they can better identify with,i.e., like them- selves: educated, working 2-income fams, busy with decorating, landscaping, and school activities, SUV's, sports, dance and kirate,etc., and trying to raise decent citizens, while the taxes go up, the culture goes down, and time is always of the essence.. then add a down-to-earth, small business person"
The person on your list who meets this criteria in every way is Wilkens.
6:14 You are a bit out of touch, especially referring to the less populated Western Monmouth. And to 8:37 I've been told by a very reliable source that Wilkens stepped down from Township committee because it took too much time away from his family. A Palin move. Will never Fly and sure won't stick. Keep looking.
Wow,after reading many of these comments I realize how out touch and snobbish many of these poster are.Never did anyone but,one person, even touch on the quality of the person. College is very important however it should not be the top qualifying issue. There are many people that are smart, articulate,wonderful citzens that have held elected office and served their constituents well. Once you start putting ridiculous criteriors on who can and can not run the party starts to be a small group private club. Why don't we only allow PhD's to run, why don't we say say no lawyers only doctors- this is not what America is about! Great with it people
to 12:27. 1. Have served. 2. Most of those I ran into were corrupt and in it to line pockets with deals and favors. 3. They are not in it for the elected position salary, but for the appointments the exchange with others they do favors for. 4. I, like many honest people, did our duty served a term or two and went back to concentrating on our families, careers and lives. 5. Anyone who serves more then a few terms at any level of government needs to go, after that they have nothing to offer. 6. Anyone who thinks that most of the professional politicians in Monmouth and State politics are not corrupt and/or incompetent are idiots or part of the problem. 7. NJ is one of the highest taxed and most corrupt political states because of people like you. 8. Good point of Barahm by another poster, guy didn't need elected position and the party machine hated him. 9. If you scratch the surface of most muni and party chairs you will find VERY checkered past. 10. Why does anyone need to post there name to point out how bad NJ politics are and how ineffective politicians are at stopping rising taxes, waste and absurd public employee compensation packages are?
We are sliding down a slippery slope with this 'credentials' issue and need to stop for a moment, read what has been said, and re-evaluate ourselves. I am sure everyone posting here is a good, solid American who believes in the principles set forth in our Declaration and Constitution. These documents' contents gave rise to the greatest nation on the face of the earth. Do you think that our founding fathers, and the countless thousands who gve their lives protecting the sanctity of our nation, intended these various 'litmus tests' of worthiness?? If you spin that answer to say "times have changed", then where does it stop? Will we dismiss candidates who got into colleges on legacy and not grades? Better yet, let's only accept candidates who either attended Ivy League institutions or the state's public ones. Listen to yourselves; this is craziness! We are ALL qualified to run if we so choose, and let the voters themselves have the ultimate say.
testy, testy..NObody said ANYbody CAN'T run, for God's sake.. the discussion has been about: what voters are looking for in a candidate, and in whom they will place their fates.. and, about who can actually get ELECTED, in order to try and fix the UNpopulated western Monmouth??.. Marlboro:41,535..Manalapan:39,370..Howell:52,400-for starters..that's a lot of Avons and Keyports, for example!.. are you blind, or just dumb?..the whole of Salem County has about as many people in it as 2 of these towns alone: Monmouth is #4 in population now, with some 650,000 residents,400,000 registered voters we have to try and appeal to!.. and, call the planning board, you'll find that many of the newest residents happen to be young, professional, educated families- so, go ahead and disparage your fastest-growing voting block, and keep those blinders on if you'd like, I don't run, I try and help others who do, and just want good, qualified people on my side, who can GET MORE VOTES than Democrats!!..
I say it looks like all those who get their shackles up so intensely and start sputtering and postulizing,were either passed up to run, ran and lost, or backed a dear friend who lost, and/or really hates somebody who won..
Yes we are all qualified to run. And founding fathers argument ? Its 2010. Yes, times change. Again, the county deserves the strongest candidates with work experience, personality, educational degrees, prior public office exp. and everything else. Obviously Monmouth County voters have done a poor job in past. There have been more arrests,corruption, bribery and shady deals in past 10 years.
Actually if you step outside of the smoke filled back rooms you will find most taxpayers know most politicians and party operatives are corrupt which is why a majority tend not to vote. Of those who vote, the majority hold their nose and pull the lever for the lesser of two weasels. Anybody on this site who thinks anything other then a slim minority of those involved in politics are good people is deluding themselves.
Why oh why didn't Halfacre enter this race instead of leap-frogging up to a congressional run?? THIS is where he belongs. I actually believe he could win and get some real experience.
uhh,why??.. Freeholder salary:$27,000, no benefits.. Congress salary: $135,000, I've lost count, and best benefits in the world??..
Anon 10:44
I don't think any of us are blind or dumb, I do think that Western Monmouth County is not that shallow. I believe that education is important to everyone in all of Monmouth County. Education alone will NOT win an election in Western Monmouth otherwise Attorney Selika Joshiah Gore would have beat now Councilwoman and Realtor Carol Mazzola in Marlboro. How about including those elected to County Committe with or without a degree inm the process. I find it interesting that those who are opposed to a Convention are those who participated in it when they were not put of the Good Ole Boys. Instead of degrees how about inclusion.
"Anybody on this site who thinks anything other then a slim minority of those involved in politics are good people is deluding themselves."
Well now who is to blame for that.
I will tell you.
The people that do not vote and the people who do vote but do not take te time to educate thamselves before they vote.
Ohh and yes all those "Good people" who complain but do noy step up and run for office.
Don't blame the politicians. We get the Government we deserve.
don't know Selika Josiah Gore, but last year, it wasn't the credentials, and despite an education, the name was, well,,they're new at it, and it was a first shot in a tough, yes, well-populated and educated, town in "western Monmouth!"..
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