In this 7th segment of the Halfacre interview, Mike continues to make the case that he can beat Rush Holt without personal wealth. He deepens the contrast between himself and Scott Sipprelle, arguing that he is more electable this year.
Coming soon:
In the 8th and final segment, Halfacre assesses his chances of winning the party lines and the primary.
Next week will feature CD 6 candidate Highlands Mayor Anna Little's interview with MoreMonmouthMusings contributor Grace Cangemi.
Attention Middlesex County Readers: Don't forget to get you convention delegate registration forms into Middlesex County GOP Headquarters, 530 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge, tomorrow between 2PM and 4PM.
Make Alberta America
22 hours ago
For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress. Many citizens had no idea that Congress can retire with the same pay after only one term, that they don't pay into Social Security, and that they specifically exempt themselves from many of the laws they pass (such as being exempt from fear of prosecution for sexual harassment), while ordinary citizens must live under those laws. The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform that is being considered -- in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite that is above the law. It doesn't matter if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop. This is a good way to do that. It is an idea whose time has come.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States."
The above text has been circulating around the Internet. I'd like to know if Mr. Halfacre would pledge to propose and support such an amendment.
Mike Halfacre responds:
I’d support it. Only seems fair and logical, right?
Michael I. Halfacre, Esq.
Art not covering Curley outburst at Don Burry at yesterdays freeholder meeting?
Art not covering Curley outburst at Don Burry at yesterdays freeholder meeting?
Do I have to? I heard about it before 10PM last night...every now and then I have to left Jordan scoop me. :-)
I'll probably write a piece about it over the weekend.
You've got unfinished homework, Art. Still waiting for your book report on "Blue Blood & Mutiny". :-)
You've got unfinished homework, Art. Still waiting for your book report on "Blue Blood & Mutiny". :-)
The book informed the "Questions for Scott Sipprelle" post.
Scott still has a week to answer my questions directly. If he doesn't, I'll publish my own analysis and assessment based upon my research during the week before the Middlesex convention and the Monmouth screening.
He should meet with me.
To clarify first term Congressional and Senators elected after 1984 are mandatorily covered under Social Security
Why is halfacre answering with a question? asking if it is right..... I just can not stomach him! Hope the voters and the republican party are smarter than the current halfacre supporters. We must win. Halfacre will not beat holt so wise up.
To Anon 4.44
If you are a Sipprelle supporter you shouldn't question the smartness of Halfacre supporters. Halfacare has appeal to certain persons- But in the event Sipprelle wins the nomination you will want the support of the Halfacre people in the General. Not a good idea to alienate them.
Answering with a question made me uneasy as well. It also did not sit well with me that he did not include proposing said amendment, but only supporting same.
I am less than satisfied with the response thusfar. To be fair, though, perhaps he is being misunderstood and would like to clarify his position. The question posed is not that difficult to understand.
To Anon 9:32- I firmly believe the Halfacre supporters are smarter than that! But when they are being fed lies, telling some to "wise up" is being said to protect them.
We only get one chance to make the right choice for this seat!
It's very important they truly know who they are voting for and who is truly qualfied to bring substance to Congress. It is Sipprelle without a doubt.
Sorry, but Mike Halfacre is a Real Estate Attorney, his resume cannot compete with Sipprelle's. He should have ran for something locally, He is simply not ready for Congress. We need Sipprelle's experience in Congress not another attorney. We need Sipprelle's business and economic strenghts in Congress.
I only ask that everyone truly makes an educated vote, read about both candidates.
I am going to defend attornies here.
They are uniqully suited for elected office because they understand how laws work in real life. They have an intimate knowledge of how government operates.
additionally people who have served as attornies for local government bodies and or served as elected officials at the local level have a good understanding about how federal law impacts local communities.
That being said I am still voting for the other guy
Between Halfacre and Art I am sure sipprelle is shaking in his boots--not.
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