That John Curley is shaking things up in Freehold should be no surprise to anyone. His tactics (detractors would say antics) are perfectly consistent with his past performance as a councilman in Red Bank and perfectly consistent with his performance on the campaign trail during the two previous elections. We got the Freeholder we nominated twice and elected on the second try. We didn’t get a collegial compromising team player. We got a maverick fighting Irishman. We got a loose cannon minority of one who doesn’t care whose toes he steps on or whose feelings he hurts.
Yet, even some of Curley’s strongest supporters are acting surprised, encouraging him to tone it down or making excuses for him.
“John is used to being in the minority, I need to talk to him,” one supporter said. He’s heard that before.
“I don’t disagree with what he’s trying to do, but I wish he’d tone it down and do it behind closed doors,” said another. Anyone who has seen Curley behind closed doors knows that the performances we are seeing in public is John toned down.
That is who we elected.
Curley may be crazy. Crazy like a fox. He knows he can’t negotiate the spending cuts he’s calling for behind closed doors.
Like the mavericks that preceded him on the Freeholder Board, Amy Handlin and Anna Little, Curley knows how to use the press and public opinion to forward his agenda.
Curley is always going to be outspoken and outrageous. That is who he is. He is not always going to be right, but in the case of the current county budget being considered, he is right.
We have more government than we can afford in New Jersey. Even in AAA rated Monmouth County. Even in Middletown, Highlands, Wall, Howell and insert the name of your town here.
Governor Christie is going to introduce a state budget next week that is likely to be shockingly painful in the cuts he calls for. I hope it is. We have more government than we can afford. We need to do the same in Monmouth County and in our hometowns. We can’t do more with less. We just need to do less. We need a cultural shift.
Taxpayers are already getting by with less, making painful choices and changing our lifestyles. We will accept less government services in exchange for more money to pay our mortgages and take care of our families.
Monmouth County and insert the name of your town and school board here must not raise property taxes this year. Even keeping taxes flat is too much.
Cut, cut, cut spending. Then cut it some more. A $10+ million or $7+ million tax increase on the county level is unacceptable. Anything other than a tax decrease is unacceptable.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
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Curley's only agenda is to see his name in the paper. Failure to discuss ideas with either Democratic or Republican board members before release to broadcast and print media was reckless. Par for his course. His mouth opens prior to engaging the brain. Afterwards people make excuses for him: Too much to drink, sugar was low, tired, etc, etc, etc. He will switch parties again before public career ends with one term on Freeholder Board. No core values or convictions. Resiged seat in Red Bank because taxes and crime were too high. Come on...residents and taxpayors in monmouth county desearve better then this. His public tirade on thursday was a disgrace and a new low in childish behavior. Curley's history for incivility during public meetings made this recent outburst very predictible. There will be others. One term if he doesn't resign sooner.
start attending some meetings, oh defenders of the indefensible:there's ways and there's ways:..acting like an unhinged lunatic by screaming at any member of the public, let alone the director's husband, and publicly embarassing one of your own dep't heads, (incorrectly, by the way), cuts NOT ONE CENT off anyone's tax bills!.. ignorant, unprofessional, obnoxious- if one of his employees acted that way, they'd have been written up as insubordinate and be out the door: but, when it's the official/boss, no, Art, it's completely wrong!..and, if we still care who wins each year, the person having the most fun Thursday night was none other than Flippy D'Amico: his platform, with the nasty little Solomino, is being written for him by our dear "maverick," and, WE, his supporters and workers, did not do so to be embarassed and LOSE again- he OWES US, his party this week, and all the citizens, much better!!!this is NOT funny, does NOT save any money, and is NOT acceptable,from any of our and if he tried to flip back, doubt that the Dems would want him!
You are 100% correct. Anyone suprised by this has their head up a dark place.
Here is the problem. I can't tell wether he is a maverick who is going to protect the taxpayors no matter whatfexkless politician he steps (in which case I applaud him) or if he is a loud mouth egotistical lunatic who hasn't a clue.
There are times when you can not "work" with People" and the only way to get something done is to go rogue" If you go that route you have to be very very good.
Amy and Anna got hit with the same rap (although they did not scream at anyone) They were both right.
I just don't know if we will ever know the truth about John Curley
Anon. 3:24pm, I could not agree with you more. You just don't know what he is .... so I am reticent to jump on the "condemn him" bandwagon. Maybe he is a little bit of both types?
There is absolutely no question "he is a loud mouth egotistical lunatic who hasn't a clue". His only plan from the beginning, even before being elected, was rogue. Look at his antics on the campaign trail. He is is a huge disgrace and embarresment for the residents of monmouth county. The budget document presents a $496,000,000 fiscal plan for 2010. If the lunatic had reasoned suggestions both Ds and Rs would have entertained them.
ironically, one could agree with a few items on his "list," some of which were already done, and, had he checked with the others, would have been able to scratch a few of them off: but, then, that would have lessened what was supposed to be a long, never-before considered, laundry list, and lessened his puported "impact", as the "taxpayers' friend", you see..this cannot go on every two weeks, for the next 2 and 3/4 years without severe negative ramifications to the taxpayers, the 3,300 employees,and our still-struggling party!!-hey, who is advising him??....people,need to call, speak up, show up, if you are for intelligent, reasoned debate and governance, please..this was distasteful and unnecessary, and does NOT bear repeating..
Moe, Larry...
Glad to hear someone is listening to the Governor's message to CUT SPENDING!
What is the problem with Curley wanting to cut-cut-cut?
He means business. The business as usual days are over. The voter's have spoken in Monmouth County and in Trenton. Keep cutting!
nobody's against "cutting"( as long as it doesn't affect them/ their personal emphases,of course), should've been done more in the past,too, but,if you weren't present to witness that unnecessary and embarassing display by an elected official, and you don't expect better personal behavior from your officials, then you do not get the objections, and erroneously think anarchy and the loudest, most obnoxious voice solves anything!..with all the headline-grabbing,they're still at an impasse, and nothing new was cut!..
what the hell does yelling at a member of the audience, and trashing one of your department heads in public do to cut ONE red cent from a budget???
why do people always think that if they focus/beat up on, one level, that all other levels will follow along, and show no other increases?.. LOOK at your tax bills, people:.. in most towns, the County portion comprises maybe 17% of your total tax..what your schools, your towns, your fire districts, etc. charge you are the much larger problems!-go to those public mtgs., too!..look, go online, and just see what you get for your County tax dollar, for heaven's sake, and e-mail or write the Freeholders, and list what you want them to eliminate.. and, skip yakking about golf courses and the open spaces, you all, at huge majorities, VOTED twice,for the portion that is used to acquire more open spaces, so we don't look like Middlesex or the northern counties!!!'s the same as with the dumb question, "why do we need to pay a Lt. Gov. now", well, idiots, because you VOTED for it!!..need to PAY more attention, when you slide into the booth and vote "yes" all the way down the questions-it's your money!! bet it's time to cut, but remember,the County can only control a very small portion of what's really ticking you off!!
skip yakking about golf courses and the open spaces, you all, at huge majorities, VOTED twice,for the portion that is used to acquire more open spaces, so we don't look like Middlesex or the northern counties!!!
Good point. This is why I do not complain about property taxes. because I vote for services like better funding for my local schools and open space. I want those things because they improve the quality of life in the town I live in.
That does not mean however that we should not continue to look for ineffeciencies in government and reduce them. That also does not mean we should not examine what government does and ask if it shoild be doing it.
For instance why do we run two nursing homes? That is something the private sector can easily supply.
I always vote against the fire district budget (which still always passes) because I go in my firehouse and see the expensive Gym and the pool table and the digital sign out front (which our school system can not afford) and say hey they are not spending all this money on fire protection equipment.
Hear is my point. You can not be against all spending and you can not be for all spending. we need to have a careful intelligent debate on what we should be spending tax dollars on. More people need to be involved and vote and finally majority rules.
I propose that all Votes on budgets take place on one day of the year and that more budgetery decisions be put to a vote.
The problem is Personality conflicts! I agree screaming and yelling is not dipolmatic. He seems frustrated, and there is more than meets the eye when there are such outbursts. Yes, the majority of taxes go to the school boards, and districts have way too many super's, and administrators who can be cut! but no one can convince me that every town & county cannot find waste somewhere in their budget. Diplomacy, tact and line item veto go along way.
Christie and Curley are todays leaders. They say what they mean and mean what they say.
3:07 and 3:42: totally agree- there you go, common sense from real people, real taxpayers, is the way to helpful change for the benefit of all.. we are all frustrated, it's how we morph that frustration into positive results that will save our republic-so, let's TELL all our rep's we are watching, listening, and expect them to step up and solve problems, not to create more of them!
come on now...christie is today's leader and he is smart and consistent which is so refreshing. You can't put them in the same league..Curley is a school yard bully--always has been..always will be--totally erratic..
you can cut 10-15% from the county budget and not even notice. There is so much fat, waste and dead weight at every level of government it is absurd. Going along with the machine and Queen Burry will accomplish nothing.
It appears Curley is crazy like a fox.
I believe he is putting all on notice who use politics for their own personal gain saying " not on my watch". I think all taxpayers should support him for now.
and I think all taxpayers should demand more civil discourse from their elected officials,, and intense, overall assessments of ALL line items and programs, before making the few happy with the quick-fix of balancing a budget on the backs of a couple of workers, while you still get a tax increase, anyway, because the real tough scrutiny was not done!..
to 6:47 #1 There are too many public employees who do nothing and are overpaid. The problems can not be fixed in this state without slashing the number of public employees and making sure those left do their job. #2 We are done with civil discourse with incompetent elected puppets, that is what got us here. #3 agree much more needs to be done
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