Assembly Minority Whip, Monmouth County's Dave Rible, was the subject of a hit piece on News12 earlier this month.
The story was originally broken by an unemployed reporter with a new website I will not name or link because it is so obscure that doesn't even recognise the address, and because the unemployed reporter writes on his site that if you use his news without credit and a link that he reserves the right to hunt you down and treat you like a common politician. I want to see if he does. I'll treat him like I treated the last so-called investigative journalist I met.
MMM didn't cover the story when it came out because, 1) News12 broke it on the day of the primary and we were busy covering real news, 2) no one watches News12 anyway...this post will probably spike their web traffic, 3) I have experience with 'investigative journalists' who are more interested in garnering attention to themselves than they are in reporting the truth, and 4) I figured Dave would address it when the time was right. Apparently the time is right.
Unfortunately, the Asbury Park Press ran an editoral about the piece without doing any investigating of their own, and Steve Lonegan sent out a email blast about it. Steve has really been putting the jerk in knee-jerk lately.
Today our friend Joe Hadden, President of the Ocean Township Republican Club, sent out and email about the matter which included a letter from Rible. Here it is:
Joe Hadden's Letter:
My Fellow Republicans,
Earlier this month, News12 New Jersey ran an attack piece on Assemblyman Dave Rible. To put it kindly, it was sloppy journalism. Unfortunately, the Asbury Park Press ran a similar editorial a couple of days later. Both outlets left out facts in questioning Dave's integrity and the validity of injuries he sustained in pursuit of a criminal while he was serving as a Wall Township Police Officer. Dave sets the record straight in his letter below.
These attacks on Dave took place as we mourned the passing of State Trooper Marc Castellano, who was killed, oddly enough, while in pursuit of a criminal.
I fear we live in an era where we treat the police very much the way we treat our military. We support them while they're on the front line protecting us. We mourn them if they die in the process. However, if such men can not be of use as protectors nor as heroes, we treat them with indifference or suspicion. It is painfully obvious, that's how those who claim to be reporting news feel.
We are all fortunate that men such as Dave Rible have been willing to put themselves on the line to protect us. I am lucky to have Dave Rible serve as my Assemblyman in Trenton. And I am damn proud to consider him a friend.
Below is a letter from Dave, fully explaining the situation. Please read it so that you may know the truth without hyperbole and without insinuation.
Thank you,
Joe Hadden
Dave Rible's Letter
June, 2010
Recently, there has been some discussion about the disability pension that I receive as a result of the injuries I sustained as a Wall Township police officer.
As such, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know the facts which led to my current situation.
My lifelong dream was to be a police officer and this dream was realized in 1987 when I was sworn in as a member of the Wall Township Police Department. During my tenure I received numerous awards and commendations and was eventually promoted to the rank of Detective. Put simply, I loved doing my job and looked forward to protecting the Wall Township community for at least twenty five years.
However, on October 17, 1993, my world literally came crashing down. It was on this day that, while attempting to apprehend a suspect, I fell off a 60 foot cliff. The impact of the fall resulted in several herniated discs and extensive nerve damage which ultimately required multiple back surgeries, one of which involved the insertion of a steel rod which I still have in my back today.
After surgery, I engaged in months of intense physical therapy in the hopes that I would be allowed to return to my job. Unfortunately, despite my fervent desire to return to work, the doctors decided that I was physically unable to perform a job that could require me to chase or restrain violent criminals--possibly in life-or-death situations that could involve fellow police officers or even innocent bystanders. That is when they gave me the devastating news that, because of my permanent disability, I could not return to being a police officer.
It is important to note that this decision was not based solely on the recommendation of my orthopedic surgeon. In fact, this determination was made by two independent doctors who were appointed by the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System Pension Board as well as an independent Medical Review Board which was also appointed by the Police and Firemen’s Pension Board.
Despite my bitter disappointment at learning that my law enforcement career was now over, I resolved to live life to the fullest, both physically and personally. To that end, I have followed the advice of the medical professionals that I engage in a regular physical exercise regimen in order to promote the health of my back and to maintain my overall physical well-being.
In addition, I have continued to serve my community by seeking and holding elected office as a member of the New Jersey General Assembly where I have worked to the best of my ability to represent the citizens whom I was elected to serve.
In closing, please know that while I respect the right of citizens to question the benefits that I am provided as a result of my injuries, I only ask that people learn the facts about my situation before they pass judgment.
Further, please also know that I am always available to you should you have any questions regarding this or any other matter.
As always, I thank you for your continued support.
Dave Rible
Minority Whip
Assemblyman, 11th District
DOGE Can Balance Budget and Save Health Care
14 hours ago
Rible claims to be permanently and totally disabled. He is anything but. He works out regularly at a gym. He owns a locksmith business. He serves in the Leglislature. Rible ought to be ashamed of himself for abusing New Jersey's pension system.
Obviously, Anonymous didn't read Rible's letter about exercising on the advice of the doctor.
Obviously, this person does not understand as well, that a person can easily be disabled from being able to go after criminals, yet do other things.
Disabled does NOT mean on a deathbed. I'll give Rible the benefit of the doubt because I am disabled and know what he's talking about.
It's a system that is always abused. I'm not saying Dave is abusing it - I haven't seen his medical files.
But I'd love to see everyone on disability, collecting my money, be followed with a camera for a month.
I'd be 100% behind the funding of that project.
the Dems must really be getting worried, to be on the attack in Dist.11, already, for next year, as they fight to keep the majority!
O.k. I can't even run a block without collasping. I should be on my deathbead, collecting some type of disabilty paymnents. :)
I'm ashamed that I linked the original post on my site. I thought I had an earlier post on MMM where I admitted to same becaue of my Union County uprbringing, yet only half of my post appeared under anonymous. I trust your research Art and have removed the link from my site. Anyway, I think if that two independent doctors examined me, I, in contrst to Rible, would be declared dead.
Art, this coming from you of all people, who quickly jumped at a bogus ethics complaint on Sean Byrnes during last year's freeholder race (with no research at all) which mysteriously disapered after the election.
You don't have to pretend that you unconditionally support Republicans, Art - this is afterwall a Republican blog.
Art, this coming from you of all people, who quickly jumped at a bogus ethics complaint on Sean Byrnes during last year's freeholder race (with no research at all) which mysteriously disapered after the election.
Has it disappeared? The pdf of the complaint gets several hits per week.
Byrnes still hasn't returned my call for him to comment on it. He did talk to politickernj about it, as I recall.
You don't have to pretend that you unconditionally support Republicans, Art
Have you talked to Adam Puharic, Bill Barham or Steve Lonegan lately?
- this is afterwall a Republican blog.
Yes it is.
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