After being outspent by at least 10-1, Anna Little leads Diane Gooch for the GOP nomination for congress in CD-6 by 105 votes.
Monmouth County put Little over the top. She defeated Gooch by 761 votes in Monmouth. Gooch won Middlesex by 608 and Union by 48. The candidates were tied 89-89 in Somerset.
There is likely to be a recount, which will keep Brian Nelson representing Gooch and Michael Laffey representing Little busy for a few days. But barring a completely unpredictable error in the machine counts, Little will be the nominee. Provisional ballots are likely to break for Little.
An Empire Without Benefits
13 hours ago
This is almost too nice.
Congratulations to Anna Little and her entire team!!!!! Anna's win also gives us all hope in the democratic process, YOU CAN NOT BUY US!!!!!
Her win in Monmouth County speaks loudly to the fact that the small hand picked steering committee that decides who to give the line to is out of touch with the voters and it is time for a change. Anna Little has put together a grassroots effort that Joe Oxley, his Monmouth County machine and Diane Gooch's millions could not defeat.Anna, you go girl!!!!!!!!!
Now is it more like 65 votes separating the two.
LOL...and how about all the money and time Pallone has wasted on researching Gooch....
what an amazing roller-coaster ride of a race: kudos to many..!,everyone, get some rest, we need to be there for Anna, and be sure no shenanigans take place!..if/when Anna's certified the winner, it's right back out again, and hit Pallone hard, and not let up til 8 pm on Nov.2!!.. stay together, stay in: we are making history, as I had hoped!..great job everyone, and thanks Art for all the coverage and platform for debate!!
anon 6:53 -- be happy now and move on...stop with the negative about being bought and the GOP machine--channel your energy toward a win in Nov. Something tells me you'll still be whining about something.
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