Tea Party candidates Anna Little and David Corsi crushed the GOP endorsed candidates for congress last night in Monmouth County.
Anna Little defeated Diane Gooch in the Monmouth portions of CD-6 by 9%, 5079 to 4318. Most surprisingly, David Corsi defeated Scott Sipprelle by 13% in Monmouth, 3345 to 2577. If not for his wide margins of victory in Middlesex and Mercer county, Scott Sipprelle would have been defeated by Corsi.
In the race for Sheriff, Shaun Golden defeated unknown Middletown resident Daniel Peters by only 10%, 12,053 to 9839. Peters was not a Tea Party candidate. His only endorsement came from his sign printer. That he won 45% of the vote is a function of Tea Party coat tails. Because of unfortunate ballot positioning, Peters appeared to be running with Little, in CD-6 and Corsi in CD-12.
There are two lessons here for the Monmouth GOP. 1) The voters are not happy and 2) money doesn't matter.
It is unlikely that the Monmouth Democrats will be able to capitalize on this in November, as Frank Pallone and Rush Holt will be running as unabashed progressives and drag down the Democratic county ticket. The Tea Party movement will help the Republicans carry Monmouth this year.
Watch out for next year. Get ready for primaries in the state legislative races and in the county races next year. The voters put the Monmouth GOP establishment on notice last night. Right now they are too busy hoping to salvage Diane Gooch's candidacy with a recount to get the message. Once they lose that battle, they better wake up or start preparing for new careers.
Here's the message that needs to be heard: The Anna Littles and John Curleys of the party are not problems. They, and people like them, are the future.
An Empire Without Benefits
22 hours ago
You sure have got that right, The voters are fed up with many establishment republicans and the movement to get rid of them has just begun!
Gooch is a wealthy fake and Anna is the real deal, The people who pay attention before just voting a party line are finally speaking out.
Go, Anna go!.. great job,all, and what a wild night- watch them Goochies like a hawk, and then,go on fearlessly, to finally free us of Frankie!!
there is a third lesson - ballot position - by placing all challengers under either Anna Little or David Corsi, it gave the false impresssion that the Tea Party rebellion was unified.
Fire the idiot in the County Board of Elections who set up this ballot.
Second, Joe Oxley must go. Period.
For edification purposes and to inform the readers on Art's blog, please note there is no Monmouth Tea Party per se. There are several Tea Party groups overlapping in Monmouth;
1)Bayshore Tea Party group, mainly northern Monmouth. They led the charge for Anna Little and Corsi.
2)Jersey Shore Tea Party Patriots, comprising central and coastal Monmouth. They provoded valuable assistance to Bayshore, Anna Little and Corsi.
3) A new, small Tea Party group based out of Colts Neck. I am not sure of their name.
4) Jackson Tea Party which also calls themselves Ocean/Southern Monmouth Tea Party. They were involved in the Bateman (CD 4) campaign.
5) The closely alligned Ocean County Citizens For Freedom, a Tea Party group who worked very hard for the Murphy camapign.
Groups 1,2 and 5 are sister groups. We cooperate mightily in almost all activity. These three also have strong ties to the Jackson Tea Party, the newer Jackson Tea Party Patriots and the Ocean County Tea Party Patriots. Both GOP and Dem better look over their shoulders (especially Kyrillos-Oxley/GOP-Monmouth and Gilmore/GOP-Ocean)because we are here to stay. The Dems with Pallone and Holt, congressional incumbents are American-Constitutional nightmares. They are worthy only of derision for their abysmal voting records and total lack of responsiveness to our citizens. All groups above will be coalescing to defeat them. A grassroots power house is emerging.
we need you ALL, in order to defeat Frank!.. stay in, stay working, stay together, winning is SO much fun!
I want to thank the nearly 10000 voters who cast their vote for me in this past primary election. The many, many people who I personally met and spoke with during my campaign were truly wonderful and kind. It is this type of experience that energizes me and strengthens my commitment to the people of Monmouth County. We view my campaign and the thousands upon thousands of votes I received as a tremendous victory for all of us who truly want, and believe that together we can accomplish great things. You believed in my message of accountability, financial responsibility and tax savings through shared services here in Monmouth County and your votes have affirmed this. We have spoken out loud and clear, but the question is will the political insiders and elites listen? Already they are making excuses and dismissing their near loss as an anomaly rather than the true feelings and wishes of the voters. I will continue to voice my opinions and be an advocate for us overtaxed and dissatisfied taxpayers. We all must take ownership in the out of control tax and spend and disregard of the taxpayer, but we do not have to perpetuate it. We have to elect leaders who understand they work for the taxpayer not against us. Remember this in November.
Very Truly Yours,
Dan Peters
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