In separate letters to members of the Monmouth County Republican Committee, the entire Monmouth legislative delegation, and 5 of 6 county level elected officials endorsed Joe Oxley for another term as GOP County Chairman.
Surrogate Rosemarie Peters' signature was missing from the county level letter. Neptune City Mayor Tom Arnone, the GOP nominee for Freeholder, signed the letter.
Peters, who served with Oxley on the Middletown Township Committee, has kept a very low political profile since her election as Surrogate in 2007. I wouldn't read anything into her missing signature nor would I expect her to sign a letter for John Costigan.
Both letters followed the theme, "Continue the Progress" and sited Oxley's accomplishments over the last two years, i.e., the 64,367 plurality for Governor Christie in Monmouth last year, the winning of control of 8 municipalities and the repayment of $35K in debt he inherited.
It is good to see such a united front on the part of our leaders going into the convention on Tuesday. Hopefully this display of team work will last throughout Oxley's second term and some of these leaders will keep their differences with the chairman out of the public eye and off the grapevine. That has not always been the case over the last two years.
Media Gaslighting about Trump’s Popularity
23 hours ago
Hey Art bring back the Osprey
Rosemary was out of the country when letter was sent. She is solidly supporting Oxley for a second term.
Of course whoever Joe backed and help get into office will obviously back and support Joe. This year's election is extremely different, it is different form all other previous elections. Candidates are not going to win by mere money but by grassroots organizations. As was seen in both the 6th and 12th Congressional races. For example Dave Corsi in the 12th District spent $5,000 and had a very small grass roots organization and yet he won Monmouth County by nearly 1000 votes and a 13 point lead. Against Scott, who is backed by the county to spend over $225,000. If we want to win and win big this November we need to have someone in charge who knows how to organize and run an effective grassroots effort and there's only one person that knows how to do it and that is John Costigan.
Last years grassroots effort organized by Oxley resulted in over 157,000 telephone calls and over 25,000 doors knocked on and produced a gigantic plurality for both governor and county ticket.
Is anybody surprised? Of course all the elected officials will endorse Oxley, or whoever Oxley endorsed. We saw that in the nominations for the 4th, 6th and 12th district. (actually, John Curley was the only one who dissented in the 6th).
Typically Congressional candidates run there own campaigns and don't want municipal chairman getting involved and mucking things up.
Sorry Charlie but the Chairman is and should be virtually irrelevant this election cycle.
And quite frankly Joe does not get the credit (nor should he get the blame in a staewide electio) for how the guv, did.
Charles M- Perhaps Art can confirm, but I don't think the Sipprelle camp spent ANY money on the primary after Halfacre dropped out. Corsi did cable, Sipprelle did none. Corsi did 2,500 signs, Sipprelle did many fewer. He might have done one direct mail piece. Frankly, I am glad they elected not to campaign against Dave and save their money for the general. There was going to be a large anti-establishment vote regardless of how much they spent (even tho Sipprelle is hardly representing the Monmouth establishment).
Oxley is a respected and successful leader. He has worked tirelessly to heal the factions througout the county. He deserves and has earned another two year term. Good luck Joe
as of a couple of months ago, Rosemarie intends to run for re-election next year.. her office is running very well, she's at work every day, and her staff loves her.. she does attend all of the womens' Federation events and some of Affiliated's..expect her to cruise to a second term next year, which helps the two freeholders who will run underneath her on the ballot..
Oxley is toast.
The silent Republican majority committee people will vote him out on Tues.
Once again within a week the Legislative Delegation will look like fools.
I believe Monmouth is fortunate enough to have these two choices. It's a win for the GOP either way as long as Oxley minds his lesson learned in the congressional primaries.
In response to Measley:
It is a falsehood to say that Anna Little or David Corsi "only" spent a insignificant amount of money next to their oppponents. In truth, Anna clearly had funding outside of the alleged $20,000 she raised otherwise it would have been impossible to do all the traditional media advertising that she did from radio to tv. Also, Corsi did not file any reports so in truth we will never know how much money he spent. The thousands of signs and cable advertising and phonecalls had to cost more they the alleged $5,000 that he spent.
Of course this may all be strategy on Little and Corsi's part don't file the appropriate paperwork and disclose your spending practices so that the Dems can vilify you in the general.
What difference does it make who the chairman is? Incumbents and self funders get the line automatically. The chairman's job is to rig the process to ensure the desired outcome.
I do have a problem with chairmen (county and municipal) who profit from their position, i.e., lawyers for various municipalities, bond council and so on.
If you produce it in house radio and Tv ads on Cable are actually inexpensive
Cable ads are under 100 dollars a run
boy oh boy, nobody can forgive and forget, as usual.. this is very unproductive, and a distraction from the business at hand, which is to get going on winning all seats in November.. as long as this "retribution-mentality" prevails, we stand to lose more than we should, this year.. why, when we have a great election cycle within our grasp as a party, must we sink to the lowest common denominator, so that a few disgruntled egotists wind up weakening our effort?
I agree with what the former Mayor of Howell, Joe DiBella said. Costigan lacks the overall package. Can we just come together and re-elect Joe Oxley without killing each other off in the process? Enough already. Read with DiBella said because his comments make the case for why we must elect Joe Oxley.
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