Politickernj's Max Pizarro told MoreMonmouthMusings that the story that was posted briefly this morning announcing that Diane Gooch had taken in lead in CD-6 was his own human error.
"The Middlesex Board of Elections gave me the numbers accurately, I just misinterpreted them," said Pizarro, "The story was only up for about ten minutes, we took it down as soon as I realized my error."
The blogosphere, facebook and phone lines have been burning up over this. Some have speculated that the Gooch camp manufactured the story to justify asking for a recount. Others blamed it on Frank Pallone. Nothing of the sort happen.
Shock, Rattle, and Awe
1 day ago
Is Max a product of NJEA math tutilage?
no, he's obviously an example of biased, so-called media.. and a Gooch suck-up.. grow up and verify your facts!
no, he's obviously an example of biased, so-called media.. and a Gooch suck-up.. grow up and verify your facts!
I don't believe that about Max. Having gotten to know him a bit, I found his coverage of the CD-6 race remarkably unbiased.
sorry, can't picture you, Art, running so fast with such an outrageous number like that!
sorry, can't picture you, Art, running so fast with such an outrageous number like that!
Thank you. That's why I tracked it down and finally called Max for a explaination. He was completely forthright.
If you would trust me not to run with an outrageous number about that, trust me about Max. If MMM was a business I would try to hire Max.
For those that did not view the incorrect post on PolitickerNJ it would be informative to see what the results were compared to what Pizzaro reported.
For those that did not view the incorrect post on PolitickerNJ it would be informative to see what the results were compared to what Pizzaro reported.
Max misreported that Gooch had picked up a 566 vote lead. Save Jersey picked up the story and added 1000 votes. If you didn't see it, good, it wasn't accurate ever. MMM's numbers have been accurate within a vote or two consistently.
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