Voter turnout in CD-6 appears to be very light.
I visited 5 polling places in northern Monmouth County this morning. At each, the poll workers I could distract from their novels or naps told me that turnout was very light.
An Empire Without Benefits
1 day ago
this is the chance many have SAID they wanted, to really make their voice heard, and effect change in a broken system: if you really want "change" for the better, and a return to smaller, leaner government, you MUST get out today, and pick a standard-bearer for our ticket in November!.. if you don't vote, then you are one of the drones who've not paid attention and allowed the crooked politicians to tax and regulate us all to death!.. move, people, this is your shot: do NOT complain, if you are not part of the solution!.. ( for me, in 6, it's Go, Anna!).. but, please, all, vote!..
I voted in my distict at about 10AM
I was only # 13
Wish I lived in Annas district.
You go girl!
Me and my wife were #4 and 5 at 10am... So almost doubled the attendance!
it's ok,as long as they're the right Rep's!
My wife & I voted for Anna Little in hazlet @ 10:30. I asked a worker, if she was busy earler. She said no. we were the only voters there at the time.
I voted in Aberdeen at 4:30 and was the 24th Republican to vote in my district.
Local Establishment Committee supported Gooch with official endorsement. Many Rs that I know are going for Anna. We are tired of the crap from the Monmouth County Club. All the establishment wants is money from Gooch. Rank and File that are in the know are going for Mayor Little overwhelmingly, and with the low turn out, perhaps the ignorant sheep vote will stay home.
All you needed to do is compare the two speeches and you know who is real.
Go Ms. Little! Let's score one huge upset for the good people of CD6 and get Pallone OUT OF OFFICE THIS FALL.
I did everything that I could today to get everyone out who I could convince to vote for Mayor Little.
The matter is in God's hands now !
Conservative Guy said...
"We are tired of the crap from the Monmouth County Club."
What does this mean? Last year the "Monmouth County Club" secured huge wins at every level of government and has a ton of dedicated people working hard on grass roots efforts.
And the Monmouth GOP did the same thing this year as every other County GOP in the 6th and 12th district. Different processes but came to the same results and the same candidate selections.
That being said, no one should be surprised that Anna did well in Monmouth County - if she was going to do well anywhere it was there. When the registered Republicans in Monmouth didn't vote, as most didn't in this primary, it amplified Anna's Tea Party support.
Monmouth County is covered with people who are passionate about conservative ideals, whether they call themselves a Tea Party or a Republican Party. Look at our response to Christie's message last year. When the two groups come together we an move mountains, and hopefully Frank Pallone, out of office.
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