MMM welcomes yet another blogger writing about Rush Holt under a non de plume.
The real Abarm Nathaniel Spanel, 1901-1985, was a U.S. industrialist, inventor and philanthropist. Spanel was the founder of one of the biggest corset and brassiere companies in the U.S. and an inventor who held more than 2,000 patents. He was probably best known, however, for the editorials he wrote as paid advertisements in scores of newspapers all over the country for more than 40 years. In them, he offered his opinions on world affairs, with particular emphasis on matters affecting the State of Israel, whose cause he championed.
Spanel owned Drumthwacket from 1941 through 1966 when he sold it to the State of New Jersey with the intent that it be used as the official residence of the Governor.
Our Spanel is a Mercer County business person who intends to be as prolific as the real Spanel was. "Abram's" first post will appear tomorrow morning.
Make Alberta America
21 hours ago
It's amazing how many cowards are coming out of the woodwork lately to trash Holt and Pallone.
If Abram.N Spanel had any integrity he would blog under his real name.
But than again knowing your history as an anonymous blogger Art, it wouldn't surprise me if Spanel is really you!
If Abram.N Spanel had any integrity he would blog under his real name.
So funny, coming from Anonymous
I too have a problem with "Anonymous" knocking Anonymous.
Either talk the talk and walk the walk or sit down and shut up. You have no credibility. How is anyone to know if there is any truth to what you say if you won't stand and be counted for the strength of your convictions?
What else do you expect from liberals? They know they have no real arguments on any of the issues, so they go and resort to the only thing they know and are good at - ad-homimem (personal) attacks - and usually shot themselves as hypocritical in using said attacks.
Is that as in "row the boat ashore" or the archangel? Just what does being a "liberal" have to do with denouncing cowardly anonymity? Oh. I get it. We're the only ones with the balls to sign our full name rather than take sniper shots and you being the coward that you are are pissed that you don't possess the same strength of character.
I'm done. You can come out from under the bed now.
@ Kathy: Regarding my name - it means "who is like the Lord". I noticed that I at least have a profile set up, while you just sign a name, which may not even be your real one.
As for hiding, I never hide, and if you want an argument, it can be arranged!
School this cretin, would you. I have a feeling he might have a problem navigating Google.
You can start with the New Jersey Press Association which honored me with two of its most prestigious awards.
Nuff said,
Let's try to keep it civil as we disagree. Michael is not a cretin and Kathy you should know better than to use such language.
Also Kathy and anonymous 8/19 9:20 pm are welcome to complain about anonymous posting, but I have no plans to change that.
I stand properly chastened. But if I may be allowed to regress to my childhood for just a minute - he started it!
Honestly speaking. Can't you at least concede that it cheapens the discourse if one is afraid to stand behind their convictions?
You know the old saw: if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.
Kathy Baratta said...
Honestly speaking. Can't you at least concede that it cheapens the discourse if one is afraid to stand behind their convictions?
You know the old saw: if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.
I understand the argument, and there is no question that it is often an valid argument. There are many many sites on the Internet where anonymous posting is cheap and distasteful.
That is not my experience of the majority of the anonymous posters here. If your honest with yourself, I don't think it is your experience either. You wouldn't be back here as often as you are if it was.
I find the majority of the anonymous posts here informed and reasoned. I'm proud to have such people posting here, even if I don't know who they are.
There is a value to dealing with the ideas being shared without judging them through the prism of your opinion of who is sharing them.
People have various reasons for wanting to post anonymously. Some of the most valued participants here probably would not contribute if they were required to reveal their identity. I don't consider that a matter of conviction. Not even close. Many post anonymously with strong conviction and passion.
I have a real problem with all these people posting under my name and I demand you puta stop to it
Tom Anonymous
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