Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Neimann/DiBella running scare of 2 Rivers and Little. No Lincoln Day Speaches. Changing Covention date.


Honest Abe said...

I'm hearing that there are 2 dates out there: The 24th at 10, and the 25th at 9.

Art Gallagher said...

I heard Saturday the 24th! The problem with that is that the 24th is a Friday

Downtowner said...

It's an old game, keep shuffling the dates and times. Dowd tried it but it didn't work, and Fred is no Bill.

I don't see this working, by way of a trick. This thing has a little too much momentum for a cheap carnival stunt to change an outcome, I think.

Honest Abe said...

Now it's the wrong phone number. Fred has 732.431.4446. The real number is 732.431.6664

Downtowner said...

Did anyone notice that they have to dial the number of "the Beast" to get ahold of Fred? I mean, I'm sure he's NOT the anti-Christ...despite the cloven hooves and horns.

Honest Abe said...

Mr. Purcell, it was actually Bill Dowd that got that number.:-) But if the shoe fits...

Downtowner said...

Well, at least Bill plays a GOOD Satan. lol