Friday, April 21, 2006

Scions of blogdom!

1)A descendant or heir.

2)also cion (sn) A detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant, used in grafting.

Jackie Corely, the Bayshore Journalista has a new blog about Jersey blogs, Jersey Blog Beat on

In her first post Jackie refers to Honest Abe and me as scions of blogdom! Thank you Jackie. I'd rather be considered a twig than a terrorist any day. However, graft will not be tolerated on this blog.

Jackie has today broken the story that Sharon Carpenter-Migliaccio has followed through on her threats to sue Abe and "Colleen" for remarks "Colleen" made during the Howellanche preceding our February convention. Sharon's attorney is former Freeholder candidate Tommy DeSeno.

Best of luck with the new blog Jackie, and thanks for the plug. We apparently need it as Richard Aaronson of Manalapan(didn't someone by that last name recently run for Freeholder as a Democrat?) wants to know where the Republican outrage about Fred is. It's right here Richard and has been for months!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Word's Out

Wally Edge is reporting what many party insiders have been whispering about and working towards, that Sherrif Joe Oxley is considering running for County Chairman and that Fred may not stand for re-election.

Oxley has been exhibiting behind the scenes leadership since our convention in February and has prevented our party from even more embarrassment and chaos than we have experienced recently.

Joe has broad appeal amongst the various factions of our party as well as with the general electorate. He would be an excellent choice for chairman.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

DiBella Concedes!

The Asbury Park Press is reporting that Joe DiBella has conceded the Freeholder nomination to Andrew Lucas.

"With time for reflection and good advice from my wife, I have come to the conclusion that it is in the best interest of the party to accept the outcome of the second ballot, in spite of the circumstances,'' DiBella said in a prepared statement today.

Congratulations goes out to Joe DiBella for his unselfish act for the good of our party and the good of our county.

One can imagine the emotional roller coaster the last few months must have been for Joe, having come so close twice. Today's announcement is an indication of Joe's maturity and statesmanship.

This blogger thanks you and your family. I urge you to do a great job as Mayor in Howell and to quiet your critics. And I hope your son's Little League team wins the championship.

Saturday, April 08, 2006 reports 2nd ballot void. Gallic says it was a tie

Monmouth GOP convention adjourns in controversy, without a candidate
APRIL 8 - In a contentious and bitter convention, a deeply divided Monmouth County Republican Party narrowly chose and endorsed Middletown Committeewoman Rose Marie Peters to run for Surrogate, but left the issue of who won the endorsement for Freeholder up in the air following a voided second ballot.

A glitch in the count -- discovered after delegates had left -- leaves the party without a clear winner.

Peters will face Democrat Beverly Bova Scarano of Middletown in the general election. Either Howell Mayor Joseph DiBella or Manalapan Committeeman Andrew Lucas will run alongside Freeholder Anna Little on the Republican ticket against Freehold Borough Councilwoman Barbara McMorrow and Middletown Board of Education member Leonard Inzerillo.

The race for Surrogate, perhaps the more civil of the two battles today, was decided on the first ballot. Peters defeated Little Silver Councilman Rick DeNoia by a 233 – 222 margin.

Shortly before the vote, both candidates touted their experience and electoral strength.

"Based on my legal career and my twenty-four years of experience, I feel I am uniquely qualified for this job," said DeNoia.

"I'm electable," countered Peters. "I ran against (Scarano) for Town Committee and beat her, despite Democrats investing a lot of money into the race."

"Money is important, but it's not everything," she added, touting her ability to pull crucial Middletown votes away from the Democrats.

The Freeholder candidates spoke briefly as well, hitting the key Republican themes of fiscal responsibility, open space preservation, and as a testament to the new found Democratic strength in Monmouth County, the five candidates touted their electability as well, something Republicans have not needed to worry about much in the past.

"I defeated an incumbent Democratic mayor despite a two-to-one Democratic registration advantage," Lucas boasted.

DiBella, whom many insiders expected to win following a narrow loss to Little in last month's special election convention, countered with his own electoral record.

"I've been elected five times, winning my last election by 2 to 1," said DiBella, who also claimed that being the mayor of Monmouth County's largest municipality would be a huge asset to Republican chances in the general election.

"I've made it a habit of beating Democrats in November," he shouted, to applause from select members of the partisan crowd.

Holmdel Committeeman Terrance Wall, who painted himself as an independent voice, said his views and his record qualified himself to be the Republican nominee.

"This election will be about big ideas, and not big money," said Wall.|

"I have a proven record of cutting taxes, and preserving open space," he continued, "and I would cherish the opportunity to serve."|

Marlboro Mayor Richard Kleinberg and Spring Lake Councilman Brian Reilly also spoke to the crowd. Kleinberg spoke of needing to unite behind common goals and his support from the Asbury Park Press; Reilly spoke of the need for ethics reform and holding himself to a "higher standard."

After the candidates spoke, the crowd of nearly five hundred Republicans lined up to cast their ballots. During the long wait, the seven candidates worked the crowd, as did Assemblymen Corodemus and Kean, State Senator Joseph Kyrillos, and Little Silver Councilman Declan O'Scanlon.

DiBella amassed a large plurality of votes on the first ballot, beating Lucas by more than two-to-one. He came 20 votes short of the '50% plus one' majority needed to avoid a second ballot.

Reilly and Kleinberg finished fourth and fifth, respectively, and were dropped from the ballot as per the rules, setting up a three-way race between DiBella, Lucas, and Wall.

As Republican officials worked to reset the voting machines for the second round, the hopefuls for Freeholder were working hard trying to expand on their regional bases and gather support from the other candidates.

Nervousness swept the candidates as the second round of voting began. When asked if he was feeling confident, DiBella responded, "I'll let you know in a few minutes."

Shortly after voting began, however, Wall loudly flagged down supporters to tell them to instead support Lucas, and requested to be dropped from the second ballot. A conference ensued, and Republican Chairman Fred Neimann ordered the second round halted, the machines reset, and the ballot changed.

The twenty ballots which were cast prior to the change were voided.

This infuriated a number of DiBella supporters, who cried foul over the unusual move well into the new round of voting. They point to the fact that not everyone whose vote was voided following the start of the second ballot returned to cast another ballot after the machines were reset.

After those who had stayed had finished voting, the machine-by-machine results were read. DiBella and Lucas supporters hastily tallied the totals as they were announced.

That initial count resulted in a 230 – 229 Lucas victory.

Lucas supporters shouted for joy and leaped into the air, cheering their upset. DiBella, meanwhile, consoled his upset mother.

A beaming Lucas, whose candidacy didn't attract major endorsements like DiBella and Wall's did, insisted the win "didn't take down the party."

"The message is that the GOP is looking to put on a new face," he said, trying to find time to talk to reporters between shaking supporters' hands and receiving congratulations.

DiBella declined comment following the results.

Both Lucas and Peters recognized the need to repair the divisions in their party that were apparent at the convention today.

"It'll be a challenge to bring the party together," said Peters, noting the high emotions of the Freeholder candidates' supporters. "They need to feel their disappointment for a while, but afterwards, they'll realize it's critical to unify."

Lucas took the view that healing the party was his job as a countywide candidate.

"My first job as a candidate will be working with the party faithful to unify so we can get out our message," said the 28-year-old Princeton graduate.

Creating unity in the party may not be easy however, as even after the convention, no one knows who the candidate for Freeholder will be.

Long after the crowd had left and returned home, however, questions began to arise about whether or not the initial tally was accurate. Dan Gallic, Executive Director of the Monmouth GOP, issued a statement afterwards declaring the vote of the committee a tie.

"After further review of the poll workers and the people who set the machines, the vote for Freeholder at the Monmouth County Convention is not final," Gallic said.

After further discussion, the second ballot was eventually declared void. This sets off a major problem for the Monmouth Republicans, who only have until Monday afternoon to finalize their slate.

What happens next for the Monmouth Republican party is not entirely clear, though one insider believes the final decision regarding who wins the endorsement will be made by Neimann.

"There's just not enough time," the insider said.

It's Lucas!


6:35 PM April 8, 2006

Late word is that Chairman Fred Neimann will make a statement announcing discrepancies in the voting at the convention and that to resolve the situation Andrew Lucas and Joe DiBella will both appear on the party line for the 3 year term of Freeholder, and that the voters in the June primary will decide who the nominee will be.

This may end up in court folks.


In a stunning upset, Andrew Lucas of Manalapan was nominated by the Monmouth County Republican Committee, defeating Joe DiBella of Howell on the second ballot.

After their first ballot defeats, Robert Kleinberg, Brian Reilly and Terence Wall announced their support of Lucas who won by one vote on the second ballot. Lucas joins Freeholder Anna Little on the Republican ticket.

Joe DiBella is reportedly considering a challenge. Whether the challenge is in court or in the primary has yet to be determined.

Rosemary Peters was nominated for Surrogate over Rick DeNoia.

Lucas's victory establishes Jim Giannell, Chairman of the 2 Rivers group and the Municipal Chairman of Red Bank as an unquestioned forced to be reckoned with in the Monmouth County Party. Giannell was instrumental in then selections of Lillian Burry, Anna Little and now Andrew Lucas.

In a major gaff, County Chairman Fred Neimann failed to collect signatures on the petitions for the nominees while the committee was assembled. The candidates are spending the rest of their weekends collecting 200 signatures. It is unknown if this was an intentional gaff or if the Chairman just quit.

Congratulations to Andrew Lucas, Rosemarie Peters and Anna Little.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Statement by Terence Wall

April 7, 2006

Dear Fellow Republican,

I am deeply humbled and respectful of the endorsement of our great Freeholder Ted Narozanick.

Our positive campaign has been based on the issues that matter to Monmouth County families. We have done our best to run a campaign that Ted Narozanick is proud of and one which will set the positive tone for a strong showing in November. I ask all voters and bloggers to turn away from the negative and vote positive - blog positive - so Republicans can move on through november!

As a lifelong Monmouth County resident and lifelong republican, I am proud to stand before you today as your candidate for Monmouth County Freeholder.

I believe that with leadership and core values, we can work together to address the challenges faced by Monmouth County families.

I’ve lived in Monmouth County since the age of one, and my family (wife Jeanne and our daughter) live in Holmdel, not far from my childhood home. I serve as the senior elected official in Holmdel (elected in 1998), and the voters had placed their trust in me in six electoral campaigns. During my eight years governing Holmdel, we have saved over 700 acres of open space and farmland.

As other elected officials do, I work on every aspect of local government. We work on simple issues and also the very challenging. My dedication is to the citizens and policymakers who serve them.

I am not influenced by lobbyists or special interest money. This is a critical difference that must be seriously considered on April 8th. There are no strings attached to Terence Wall. I am truly beholden to you alone.

I am respectfully asking you for your important vote this Saturday morning, April 8th, at the Monmouth County Republican Committee convention to be held at Brookdale College. If chosen I promise to work for you and the citizens you represent.

It would be a tremendous honor to serve Monmouth County, and while I cannot walk in a great man’s shoes, I will do my very best to represent Monmouth County as our great Freeholder Ted Narozanick has done for so many wonderful years.

Thank you for your consideration. Please contact me with any questions on any issue.

Let's move forward in a positive direction - together.

Please cast your vote for Terence Wall for Freeholder on Saturday, April 8th

Where: Robert Collins Arena, Brookdale College Campus 765 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft NJ – Parking Lot 6

What: Complimentary breakfast followed by Monmouth County Republican Convention

When: Breakfast at 8am in adjacent room. Voting at 9am in Robert Collins Arena


Terence M. Wall


Note from WHS: All candidates are welcome to submit statements for publication to . Comments regarding candidates' statements are restricted to the space below that is specifically set up for that purpose.

Comments on candidates' statements

Terence Wall has submitted a statement to the voters in tomorrow's convention. All candidates are welcome to do the same. I am closing their threads to comments, however you are welcome to post your comments about their statements and their candidacy here.

Please keep it current, i.e. don't rehash comments or points of view that have already been posted

Monday, April 03, 2006

Back to the Business at hand

I will have a lot more to say about fund raising next week, particularly with regard to Belmar Mayor Ken Pringle's (D) OpED piece in yesterdays APP.

But, we have Freeholder and Surrogate candidates to select this week.

First Surrogate...Peters is better known and more electable, but DeNoia is better qualified and really cares about the ins and outs of the job. Either of our candidates beats the Dem, so I say give the nod to DeNoia, unless Marie decides to run.

Freeholder...Only DiBella, Kleinberg and Wall are serious candidates at this point. DiBella holds his February support and Kleinberg and Wall split the votes that Anna Little got in February. Unless either Kleinberg or Wall drop out and support the other, DiBella is the candidate.

This will be an interesting week.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Speaking of ELEC Reports

Looking through the ELEC site this afternoon, I noted that the only Monmouth County Freeholder candidates, or former candidates, from either party to have filed reports in 2006 are:

Anna Little, R
Robert Kleinberg, R
Ted Narozanik, R

Where are Joe DiBella's reports? I seem to recall him running in a special election back in February.

Where are the Democrats' reports? Oh yeah...they're still working on their 2005 reports.

This is no April fools joke.