Thursday, August 28, 2008

Always verify what you read in The Courier Bird Cage Liner

First is was Middletown Committee Candidate Tony Fiore inflating his resume (he really didn't, they know it, there won't be a retractions but they won't be going after him anymore either) then it was me being a racist, followed by Middletown and Atlantic Highlands Attorney Bernie Reilly's $239.00 billing error. Now it's Carla Cefalo's employment and expenses in Keyport.

A $170.00 reimbursement and a $42,000 salary, as if either the Reilly or Cefalo stories are about real money.

There must be nothing going on in the Bayshore, because The Courier Caliendo Crier has spent all summer making up scandals where there aren't any, getting the facts wrong when there is a story or worse, withholding information and quotes to give stories the political spin they want.

The Azzolina's really should pay their people a living wage so that they would stop wasting all that ink on triva that they obviously think is important. Maybe they should just attract better talent and pay them better. After all, you get what you pay for.

I've written extensively about why The Courier Caliendo Crier prints so much garbage about Middletown. In Keyport it is also about personalities and politics. Jim Purcell is butt buddies with the Merla convicts and Melissa Gaffney spends way too much time and very little money in the Merla restaurants she reviews. Evidently Cefalo is on the wrong side of Keyport history in Purcell's demented mind.

I've gotten several phone calls from residents and officials in 3 Bayshore towns about all this nonsense. Lot's of people want to speak out. This thread is for them. Go at it with your comments folks. Give us the facts and expose the lies.

Rebuttal comments from Purcell or Gaffney will be posted after my comments to the Middletown Township Committee are published in their paper, unless they write something I really like.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how many Borgata bills Merla had when he was Mayor or was he a Tropicana type of guy? We know he wasn't betting with his own money now don't we? I guess The Courier, make that The Enquirer records don't travel back that far.

Anonymous said...

Art....the Middletown republicans are a disgrace and have been for a long time....I'm not sure the current mayor is entitled to the title...I was there on reorg day in January 2008 and the procedure wasn't even legal! Shame on that useless lawyer and a few others.Cut the crap and smell the coffee...the day of reckoning is coming!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This story was a piss poor attempt to sabotage the Borough's efforts for revitalization. A writer for the Courier, Joe Wedick who is currently employed by the Keyport BID, initiated the story. They are making a last ditch effort to cover up their mess.

Anonymous said...

It is a shame that when a town threatens its way of life with a little progess ignorance sets in and it is all hands on deck to humiliate and embarass people so they quit. Keyport won't ever shake its image until reporters offer FAIR factual information not interpretive, insinuating jibberish just to sell papers. I am sure Joe Wedick is handing them out like a proud father. What a tool. I think Melissa has had one too many martini's at the Merla Trinity. Isn't it time for another food review anyway?

Anonymous said...

Courier always has an agenda and purcell's lame attempts to proclaim that he's a real journalist is a joke. He's a political hack to uses recent college graduates to ply his trade who have no clue what they are writing about or what purposes and agendas they are serving. This guy was a republican until the republicans wouldn't give him a cush p.r. job with the county. Its no accident that he switched parties right after he didn't get that job and all the republicans he affiliated with (ogrady, merla, wall, etc) ended up in the pokey or in disgrace.

Anonymous said...

To Melisa:

Sorry Sable, Jim is responsible as the publisher to validate all of your info. Carla does NOT work for the borough of Highlands and I beleive she works 4 days a week (10 hrs a day) You went after a hard working community minded individual who realy cares about doing the right thing, she is not an elected official, just an employee doing her job. You blamed her for a mistake in that the CFO of Keyport made when entering the bills. The grant money may not be able to pay for the hotel but the borough MUST if it is their policy. I guess you are too young and inexperienced to understand the way government works. This is the last straw, I will NOT buy the courier anymore.

Anonymous said...

Art, what evidence do you have to contrary? Show it. The Courier did.

Art Gallagher said...

Art, what evidence do you have to contrary? Show it. The Courier did.

The Nose for News showed evidence that Carla works only two days per week as they asserted? I must have missed that.

Carla works four days per week, 10 hours per day, in Keyport

the inside airbather said...

I just invited Purcell out to Gunnison to play a few rounds of naked 1 on 1 beach volleyball w/ me. But I don't think he's gonna publish it.



Anonymous said...

Hey- Gaffney is posting anonymous phone call messages on her blog now. As a "journalist" she might think to post some of the calls she has gotten about Purcell. Everyone should call her and tell her what they think (leave no name of course) so they can be published. Maybe it will get the front page next week next to an air brushed picture of a Trinity Steak Platter.