Friday, August 29, 2008

He's not ready

You know, I am a believer in … in knowing what you’re doing when you apply for a job. Uh, and I think that … if I were seriously to consider running on a national ticket, I would essentially have to start now, before having served a day in the Senate. Now there may be some people who are comfortable doing that, but I am not one of those people. — Barack Obama, 2004


ambrosiajr said...

Well, then its a good thing he waited until he had some time in the Senate.

Let me ask you come when McCain flip flops on issues, he's just re-adjusting his position..but when Obama does the same thing, he's flip flopping? How does that work.

Great speech last night...I wonder how the old man will do. I can see the debates now...Nixon v. Kennedy young, vibrant with great ideas, and the other sweating, old and tries to distance himself from the last eight years of neglect and ruin.

Should be a grand old time...heh-heh.

Anonymous said...

"I can see the debates now...Nixon v. Kennedy young, vibrant with great ideas,"

Young? Yes.

Vibrant? Perhaps

With Great Ideas?


Pollution is bad. He wants world peace. He wants to end poverty.

With those great ideas, he could win...The Miss America Pageant.


ambrosiajr said...

Did you watch his speech last night Lugar? He laid out some specifics...something we haven't heard from the McCain camp. So far, all we've heard day after day after day after day is that he spent 51/2 years in prison. We all know and respect that. I was one of the first ones to say I believed he was a true American hero, but its time to start getting into the nitty gritty of plans. At least Obama laid his out for everyone to see and hear.

But I would expect you, or Art, or Barry, or my friends over at CWA to listen to any of it. I would expect all of you to just dismiss it out of hand. Which is just what's happening.