Friday, August 29, 2008


McCain announces his VP pick today. I think he'll pick Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, and she will be a great choice.

FoxNews just announced that neither Mitt Romney or Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty will get the VP nod.


ambrosiajr said...

As I've said previously, here's a woman who has been a Governor for only 2 years. She has no foreign relation experience, and she is one small heartbeat away from the Presidency. Lets face it, McCain has a history of cancer, is banged up from his experience in VietNam, is 72 years old and could go at any time (as can we all). And he picks someone with absolutely the least amount of experience out of all of them.
How can you possibly keep saying that Obama is not ready when this woman could be President the day after McCain would get sworn in.

Can't wait to see the spin.

Anonymous said...

No spin needed on this one, becasue as a Governor, you're the head honcho, top dog, big cheese, etc, setting policy, making budgets, leading people... Actually, I always thought of the Governors job as sort of an OJT for President. What Budget did Obama make, besides his own? I'll take McCaine / Pailin any day of the week, and twice on Sunday too.