“With his selection of Joe Biden, Senator Obama has made crystal clear his commitment to raising taxes. The Obama-Biden ticket has a long history of voting for and advocating tax increases on those making as little as $42,000 a year. New Jerseyans already pay more in state and local taxes than anyone else in the nation. Senators Obama and Biden want to make sure that we also pay more in federal taxes too. That idea will be about as popular as Corzine's toll hike plan and makes John McCain's no tax increase platform all that more attractive. This sets up a major contrast that we will drive home from now until Election Day: if voters want a President who will raise their taxes, vote for Obama. If you want a President who won't, support McCain.
Barack Obama has chosen a 35 year Washington insider as a running mate. Biden completely undermines Obama's central themes. Biden made it clear time and time again that he doesn't think Senator Obama has the skills, experience or judgement to be President. These guys are going to be answering questions about Biden's criticism of Obama's plan to legislate failure and cut off funding and support for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan from now until Election Day.”
Trump’s Broad Constitutional Powers
1 day ago
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