Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Jim Sage is the Marlboro resident who exposed the Freehold Regional High School District's practice of awarding salary increases and tuition reimbursement for phony degrees.

Rather than apologise for their pure judgement and returning the ill gotten money, the doctoral wannabees have responded with angry arrogance. They have threatened not to cooperate with newspapers covering the district and government officials serving the district.

Now they are apparently attempting to intimidate Jim Sage. Below is the text of an open letter from Sage to Ms. Suzanne Koegler, FRHSD Assistant Superintendent, in which Sage responds to a letter he received from her:

September 1, 2008

Dr. Suzanne M. Koegler
Assistant Superintendent/Human Resources
Freehold Regional High School District
11 Pine Street
Englishtown, NJ 07726

Dear Dr. Koegler:

I am in receipt of your disturbing letter regarding personal issues you seem to have with me and my conduct at the FRHSD Board Meeting held on August 25, 2008. In your three paragraph letter, two paragraphs are dedicated to chastising me for calling you "Suzie" as opposed to the formal Suzanne, or better yet Dr. Koegler. For that transgression, please accept my humble apologies.

In your continued diatribe, you state, "...you grabbed my arm..." and that you considered my behavior as "inappropriate." I could not agree with you more; however, what you described, did not occur. A review of the taped meeting indicates no such action took place. Actually, you seem quite jovial throughout the meeting.

Let me further remind you Dr. Koegler, three armed Englishtown police officer's were present at the meeting, augmented with a compliment of approximately ten FRHSD security guards. Why didn't you initiate a complaint or concern with these individuals? This is a truly disturbing allegation.

Getting back to your letter, you state, "...I am not your friend, your acquaintance, nor your colleague..." True, but I would expect this from the mouth of an immature teenager. Not you.

Well let me further remind you that a professional relationship once existed. between you and I. After retiring as a police officer, I worked for your office in the RAISE Academy. I requested and received permission from you to have students from the RAISE Academy attend an eye-opening tour of the Monmouth County Jail. Details were arranged by me with then-Sheriff Joe Oxley's staff. This was to be accomplished on my own personal time, with no expense to the taxpayers. Unfortunately, this did not occur, due to logistical problems with bus transportation issues.

The most disturbing aspect of your letter, is referencing my involvement in the instant controversy (as you call it) regarding the Review of Academic Compensation by the NJ Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance (OFAC). Controversy?? You bet!! More like unethical and immoral behavior. How about unlawful conduct?? Five employees have been identified, with the possibility of more involved in a scam to bilk the taxpayers of the district. Are you condoning their behavior? The OFAC identifies several problems that needs immediate attention. The Board of Education, at the request of the board attorney, unanimously voted to accept the OFAC recommendations to change its policies prohibiting administrators and other school personnel from receiving monetary benefits for advanced degrees from unaccredited institutions. Shouldn't that have been the case all along? Must every aspect of FRHSD employment be reduced to rules and regulations? For example: administrators can't come naked to school; administrators can't partake in usage of controlled dangerous substances; administrators can't illegally park. Come on now. Obviously, it's done for good cause with the students....but the administrators? Like students caught cheating, or stealing, they must be held accountable and responsible for their deeds, and ultimately suffer the consequences of their actions.

Dr. Koegler, the recommendations of the OFAC are on the FRHSD web site. I strongly urge you to read it, and come to the same conclusion as myself and the majority of the taxpayers: one of rage, disappointment and disgust. The administrators involved have let us down.

It's truly unfortunate that an outsider such as myself, reading the minutes of the FRHSD, had to expose this inappropriate behavior. Would you--Dr. Koegler--have reacted in the same fashion? I find it difficult to believe, that you were unaware of a fraud of such magnitude taking place among your colleagues.

The OFAC is just one of several agencies investigating the wide-scale fraud taking place in the once proud Freehold Regional High School District. I expect those agencies to soon report their findings with a corrective action plan.

One last word Dr. Koegler. You have accused me of utilizing language that you describe as "unduly forward." In keeping with a long-time penchant for being truthful, honest...and yes, "unduly forward," Please heed this edict: Do not send letters to my house! Your false accusations, your childish diatribe, and veiled attempt of intimidation, have upset me and my family. Further inappropriate contact will be forwarded to the Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office for the appropriate enforcement action.

Truly Yours,

James Sage

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