Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Hat tip to Barry Goldwater.


ambrosiajr said...

Might be just wishful thinking on yours and Barry's part...here's the latest poll numbers from RealClearPolitics.com:

Tuesday, September 02
Race Poll Results Spread
National Rasmussen Tracking Obama 51, McCain 45 Obama +6
National USA Today/Gallup* Obama 50, McCain 43 Obama +7
National Hotline/FD Obama 48, McCain 39 Obama +9
National CBS News Obama 48, McCain 40 Obama +8

In a couple of these polls, Obama is hitting the magic 50%. While its still a long way off, these are encouraging numbers for Dems.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Can you say Democratic bounce from the convention. Wait until the GOP finish their convention, then I'm sure we'll see a bounce in their direction. Oh, by the way, I'm a Democrat too.

ambrosiajr said...

Yes, I know all about the convention bounce.... Hillary. My point is that its not "Over" as in the graphic that this is posted under.

Good to see there are so many supportive dems like you out there.


Art Gallagher said...

Geesh Rick,

Lots of those Dems are going to be voting for McCain/Palin.

Another blog had a post that indicated that the Obama/Biden campaign is only focusing on 18 states, which I think is great news. There support is a great deal softer than they think it is in states they think they don't have to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Just becasue I'm a Dem doesnt mean that I blindly vote the party line. Locally I believe the DEMS are the better obtion. However, Nationally, the GOP have my vote because they do a better job with foriegn affairs / military. Take the "blinders" off my friend. If the D's can offer some one like a FDR,HST, JFK or LBJ for that matter, well then I might chage my mind. Till then its the GOP for POTUS.

Art Gallagher said...

Locally I believe the DEMS are the better obtion.

Thanks for saying so. Keep reading. I'll be trying to change your mind between now and November, assuming you're from Monmouth County.

Here's my arugument: Where in New Jersey are Democrats doing a better job than Republicans are doing in Monmouth County.